The Global Search for Education: Teachers Talk Literacy Skills for a Digital World

The Global Search for Education: Teachers Talk Literacy Skills for a Digital World

Print and pictures on the pages of a textbook, a novel, a poster board, a newspaper or a comic book – once upon a time that was how we consumed stories and other information. Then came the internet. Today, digital natives are both consuming and creating online or on their mobile phones constantly, and the literacy skills needed for an interconnected world have changed.  They include the ability to navigate thousands of sources, locate...

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The Global Search for Education – How is China Shaping the Future of AI?

The Global Search for Education – How is China Shaping the Future of AI?

“In January 2018, advocates for data privacy celebrated when the Chinese government released a new national standard on the protection of personal information, which contains more comprehensive and onerous requirements than even the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, per analysis by some experts.” — Jeff Ding In the decades ahead, the countries that dominate AI in any domain could influence how our world is...

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The Global Search for Education: The New UN Agenda – What is the Role of Education?

The Global Search for Education: The New UN Agenda – What is the Role of Education?

“Educators have an opportunity to engage students in shared problem solving towards the goals, and the responsibility to instill in the next generation a deep understanding of the power of informed action and the perils of inaction. The students of today will be the emerging leaders in 2030.” — Karen Cator “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” has set a plan of action in 5...

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The Global Search for Education: Families, Schools and Communities

The Global Search for Education: Families, Schools and Communities

“Increased awareness of the positive correlations between engaged parents/families and student achievement has led to a number of increased levels of activity at the school building, “community” and district level as well as increased state and federal guidance for improving parent/family engagement.” — Kwesi Rollins The goal of the Shaping our Future by Leading Together: Families, Schools and Communities...

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