Around the World in 30 Days: September 2016

Around the World in 30 Days: September 2016

C. M. Rubin’s Global Education Report Why does character education matter? And why do so many believe its role in schools is more important than ever? What does it mean to be a great Principal? How well do you know the United Nations? What do millennials think about global leadership? What would Howard Gardner do if he was Secretary of Education? What does Randi Weingarten believe will be the legacy of Race to the Top and Barack...

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The Global Search for Education: The Millennial Bloggers – Distrust in Leadership

The Global Search for Education: The Millennial Bloggers – Distrust in Leadership

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls on countries to begin efforts to achieve the 17 SDGs over the next 15 years. The goals address the needs of people in both developed and developing countries, emphasizing that no one should be left behind. A PEW Research Center survey indicates that fewer than three-in-ten Americans have expressed trust in the federal government in every major national poll conducted since July 2007...

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