全球搜索教育: An Education in Africa

全球搜索教育: An Education in Africa

  “When I visited a local village, what everyone told methe chiefs, the parents, the childrenwas that girls weren’t in school because it was the boys that had a better chance of getting paid work in the future.” — Ann Cotton Educating girls is a very powerful tool for ending global poverty. Ann Cotton is the Founder and President of Camfed, a world renowned non-profit organization...

全球搜索教育: 水

全球搜索教育: 水

“健康的兒童更有效的學習者, 和誰花更少的時間打水姑娘們上學更多的時間。” — Susan Durston Image UNI75614: ©UNICEF / NYHQ2009-2062 / Estey “我們已經到了一個重要的目標, 但我們不能停在這裡. 我們下一步必須是針對最難以達到, 最貧窮和最弱勢的人群在世界各地. The United Nations General...
