The Global Search for Education: Just Imagine Secretary Gardner

The Global Search for Education: Just Imagine Secretary Gardner

“I will use my office as a ‘bully pulpit’: to describe what should happen in our educational systems; to call attention to positive as well as negative examples; to cheerlead for promising initiatives; and, whenever possible, to demonstrate by example the kind of education that I favor, and the kind of society that I hope we can achieve.” — Howard Gardner What will be the legacy of Race to the Top and...

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The Global Search for Education: United States and Finland – Why are they so great?

The Global Search for Education: United States and Finland – Why are they so great?

“American scholars and their writings, like Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, have been influential in building the much-admired school system in Finland.” — Pasi Sahlberg A little over 4 decades ago, Finland transformed its education system as part of the country’s economic recovery plan. Finnish students had become the best young readers by the time the 2000 Program for International...

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