La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Reino Unido sobre las pruebas

La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Reino Unido sobre las pruebas

The English Baccalaureate has the merits of strengthening the general academic education of lower achieving students and removing useless, mostly quasi-vocational subjects.” — Michael Young “It is time for the race to the bottom to end. We believe it is time to tackle grade inflation and dumbing down.” — Michael Gove In the fall of 2012, the British Education Secretary, Michael Gove,...

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La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Conocimiento

La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Conocimiento

“La educación es un derecho universal. It is about the right of all young peopleto have access to ‘powerful knowledge’… ” — Michael Young Fueled by international test scores which indicate that the UK is lagging behind other nations in education, el debate sobre la educación británica se ha centrado en una serie de cuestiones. These include the nature of standardized exams and the weakness of the academic core...

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