教育のためのグローバル検索: プロフェッショナル倫理学者の検索で – 彼らは存在しています? – パーツ 1


“私は職業の範囲を参照してください, 米国内と海外の両方, 深刻な歪みの下など, 内部と外部の両方の力のため。” — ハワード·ガードナー

デジタル化と自動化の利益以上のすべての世界では, 倫理とプロフェッショナリズムの性質は、質問に、すべての側面から攻撃を受けているようです. ブロックに新しいロボットたちは、人間の専門家から期待と同じ専門知識と多重知能を提供します? 何が私たちの職業の品質を維持・強化するために行うことができます?

Today we begin a three-part blog mini-series on this topic with one of 教育のためのグローバル検索 most popular contributors, 教授ハワード·ガードナー. In the course of our series, Howard will discuss how all the professions and, in particular education, are affected by our rapidly changing world. He will also share his recommended steps on becoming a professional ethicist.

ハワード・ガードナーは、彼の生涯を通じて数々の栄誉を受けました, マッカーサー賞フェローシップを含みます. He has honorary degrees from universities around the globe, との1と命名されました 100 多重知能の理論の研究と探査の彼の仕事のための外交政策と展望誌の最も影響力のある知識人. 彼はGoodWork™プロジェクトを指示します, 良い仕事を例示した個人や団体を識別するための大規模な取り組み.

パートで 1 of our three-part mini blog series, Howard will discuss why he decided to start a blog about ethics in the professional world and how he thinks ethics is being undermined today.


For individuals who cannot afford to consult a professional, or for whom no professional is available, an artificial system will typically be much better than the recommendations of a friend or than common sensewhich is all too often common non-sense.” — ハワード·ガードナー

ハワード, why a blog calledThe Professional Ethicist”?

そもそも, キャシー, the title harbors a triple pun. 初めに, I don’t believe that there are such things as professional ethicists, except perhaps for the occasional philosopher. But I, along with many others, have been writing about the ethics entailed in various professions, from engineering to education. While it has improved recently, I have long been disappointed with the quality of the weekly New York Times column calledThe Ethicist”. One day last year I experienced one of those A-ha moments: “I can do it better!

キャシー, to turn serious, I believe that the range of professionsfrom architecture to veterinary medicine, from education to the ministry, are vital and precious human inventions. At the core of each of these professions is a set of values that encompass integrity, サービス, and dis-interestedness, striving to do what is right independent of personal gain or loss. Sometimes the value is distinctly personal, 例えば, teachers have obligations to each of their students. At other times, the value veers toward the universal, 例えば, journalists have an obligation to pursue the truth, fairly and fearlessly.

悲しいかな, 私は職業の範囲を参照してください, here in the United States and abroad, 深刻な歪みの下など, because of both internal and external forces. In launching my blog, I hope to explore the reasons for these pressures and the optimal means of dealing with them, thereby strengthening both the range and the quality of professions.

Do you think that robots with artificial intelligence could ultimately provide the expertise and multiple intelligences that we need from human experts?

It’s already clear that artificial intelligence can provide information that we used to secure from experts or that we had to look up ourselves. Just think about Siri, Encore, and the power of many other search engines. There is every reason to believe that these systems will continue to get ‘more intelligent’. As I am writing, the best “行きます” player in the world is struggling to compete successfully with a newly developed computational system.

I think we need to separate three issues. Firstly does the system reach its ‘answersin the same way that human beings do? This is the difference between ‘artificial intelligenceand ‘human simulation. Secondly does the system manifest its intelligence? 私たちの多くのため, there’s a big difference between typing a question on our pad, as opposed to conversing with a robot or avatar. The more that the robot resembles a human being, the more satisfying it will be to many individuals, although not to me! Thirdly can the computational system provide a recommended course of action that is as solid, or even more solid, than a well-trained professional? In a way that the client finds satisfying? For the foreseeable future (say a decade or two), I think that the answer is no. But I would add that for individuals who cannot afford to consult a professional, or for whom no professional is available, an artificial system will typically be much better than the recommendations of a friend or than common sensewhich is all too often common non-sense.


We could find ourselves without an investigative press; without fair-minded judges; without physicians who prescribe what is appropriate to each patient; These outcomes would be disastrous.” — ハワード·ガードナー

Very interesting and so back to your blog. I believe you launched it last September?

はい, I began my blog in a very quiet way. After writing half a dozen blogs, I wrote a major essay on the future of the professions (約 5000 言葉), posted it in early December, and sent it to two dozen colleagues. I was surprised and elated by the range and depth of the responsesboth the 40 or so that have been posted and several that were sent privately. Contributors educated me about the similarities and differences between medieval guilds and modern professions; the undue power and secrecy of certain professional organizations; the different statuses and profiles of professions across Europe and Asia.

見る http://www.thegoodproject.org/is-there-a-future-for-the-professions-an-interim-verdict/

当初は, I had planned to write a single blog in response. But so many vital issues were brought up that I am posting ten separate blogs in the coming months.

Why do you think the ethical foundations of all professions are being undermined?

The full range of professions are vulnerable because of three major factors. 初めに, a smugness that the value of professions is self-evident and can therefore be taken for granted. 第二に, the power of the marketplace which has induced many professionals across the professional landscape to chase the highest income rather than preserving the core of expert service; そして最後に, the digital media, which holds the promiseor the threatof replacing many, if not most tasks formerly carried out by professionals.

Taken together, these three forces would suffice to destroy the professions. さらなる, it isn’t clear what entities/institutions/vocations could or would take their place. We could find ourselves without an investigative press; without fair-minded judges; without physicians who prescribe what is appropriate to each patient. These outcomes would be disastrous.

Join us next week for Part 2 の プロフェッショナル倫理学者の検索で, in which Howard Gardner will focus on Ethics in Education.



C言語. M. ルービンとハワード・ガードナー



サー·マイケル·バーバー含む私を参加して、世界的に有名なオピニオンリーダー (英国), DR. マイケル·ブロック (米国の), DR. レオンBotstein (米国の), 教授クレイ·クリステンセン (米国の), DR. リンダダーリング·ハモンド (米国の), DR. MadhavChavan (インド), 教授マイケルFullan (カナダ), 教授ハワード·ガードナー (米国の), 教授アンディ·ハーグリーブス (米国の), 教授イヴォンヌヘルマン (オランダ), 教授クリスティンHelstad (ノルウェー), ジャンヘンドリクソン (米国の), 教授ローズHipkins (ニュージーランド), 教授コーネリアHoogland (カナダ), 閣下ジェフ·ジョンソン (カナダ), 夫人. シャンタルカウフマン (ベルギー), DR. EijaKauppinen (フィンランド), 国務長官TapioKosunen (フィンランド), 教授ドミニクラフォンテーヌ (ベルギー), 教授ヒューローダー (英国), 主ケンマクドナルド (英国), 教授ジェフ·マスターズ (オーストラリア), 教授バリー·98名 (オーストラリア), シヴナダール (インド), 教授R. Natarajan (インド), DR. PAK NG (シンガポール), DR. デニス教皇 (米国), Sridhar Rajagopalan (インド), DR. ダイアンRavitch (米国の), リチャード·ウィルソン·ライリー (米国の), サー·ケン·ロビンソン (英国), 教授パシSahlberg (フィンランド), 教授佐藤学 (日本), アンドレアス·シュライヒャー (PISA, OECD), DR. アンソニー·セルドン (英国), DR. デビッド·シェーファー (米国の), DR. キルスティン没入Areの (ノルウェー), 首相スティーブン·スパーン (米国の), イヴTheze (LyceeFrancais米国), 教授チャールズUngerleider (カナダ), 教授トニーワーグナー (米国の), デイヴィッド·ワトソン (英国), 教授ディランウィリアム (英国), DR. マークWormald (英国), 教授テオWubbels (オランダ), 教授マイケル·ヤング (英国), 教授Minxuan張 (中国) 彼らは、すべての国が今日直面している大きな絵教育問題を探るように.

C言語. M. ルービンは彼女が受け取った2つの広く読まれているオンラインシリーズの著者である 2011 アプトン·シンクレア賞, “教育のためのグローバル検索” そして “私たちはどのように読み込みます?” 彼女はまた、3冊のベストセラーの著者である, 含めて 不思議の国のアリスリアル, の出版社です CMRubinWorld, そしてかく乱財団研究員である.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
