どうやって 9 1歳のフェリックス・フィンクバイナーが1兆本の木を植える旅を始めました

どうやって 9 1歳のフェリックス・フィンクバイナーが1兆本の木を植える旅を始めました

By Jovan Brooks In January 2007, ドイツ出身のフェリックス・フィンクバイナーさんは、 9 歳と小学4年生. 彼は地球温暖化についてクラスでプレゼンテーションを行い、子供たちに世界各国に100万本の木を植えるべきだとクラスメートに提案した. 10歳のとき, Felix Finkbeiner founded Plant for the Planet.  ノーベル賞受賞者ワンガリ・マータイ氏の植林運動に触発された 30 アフリカにある100万本の木, Felix sought to do...

カーターロストロンのルース & ニック: お菓子の物語はキャンディランドの設定でユニークな物語です

カーターロストロンのルース & ニック: お菓子の物語はキャンディランドの設定でユニークな物語です

By Jovan Brooks We are in candyland as we follow Nick, a less popular candy who loves to dance and who seeks the adoration of Rutha popular chocolate bar. Written and directed by 15 カーター・ロストロン 1歳, this stop motion animated short tells the story of Nick and his pursuit of Ruth, culminating in her recipricotating his affection at the Candy Gala when she finally offers him her hand to dance. Ruth and Nick;...



By Alex Silverman In this cute animated short from Woody Yocum, we find a family of bears teaching their newborn cubs about the world around them. They learn about everything from the change in seasons, hibernation, and what it means to be a bear. All set to very bright and beautiful 2.5D animation. The short itself does not focus on any major social or global issues and instead focuses on creating a story with a sense of comfort....



By Alex Silverman This film comes to us from Planet Classroom’s original Problem Solver Series. In this short, student Ju Lin gives us a step by step guide on how the world might better prepare for another pandemic. Ju Lin shares multiple ideas from stockpiling medical equipment to developing pandemic task forces. These are all great ideas that need to be implemented not just for future pandemics, but also in the here and now while we...
