全球搜索教育:  “委內瑞拉的綠色公民” Manuel Diaz 與 Net Zero 的 Ricardo Delgado 交談

全球搜索教育: “委內瑞拉的綠色公民” Manuel Diaz 與 Net Zero 的 Ricardo Delgado 交談

Net Zero 是備受期待的新視頻和播客系列,來自 POP 的青年領袖 (保護我們的星球) 與 Planet Classroom 合作的運動跟踪國際思想領袖為實現淨零所取得的進展 2050.

全球搜索教育: 女中音海莉麥卡沃伊談如何讓歌劇對年輕人更具吸引力

全球搜索教育: 女中音海莉麥卡沃伊談如何讓歌劇對年輕人更具吸引力

的獲勝者 2019 巴德學院音樂學院協奏曲比賽, 女中音海莉麥卡沃伊本月在 Planet Classroom Network 上演奏作曲家 Amedee-Ernest Chausson 的 Le Charme.



By Alex Silverman This film comes to us once again from Planet Classroom’s Problem Solvers series. In this short, producer Sydney Kim tackles a subject that is constantly at the forefront of societygun violence. Gun violence seems to be a never-ending issue with constant back and forth on what to do about it. 與此同時, the stats in gun-related incidents, either intentional or accidental, continue to rise with increasing...

Theodor Blumer 的音樂合奏實際上由五位吟遊詩人音樂學院的藝術家表演

Theodor Blumer 的音樂合奏實際上由五位吟遊詩人音樂學院的藝術家表演

By Grace Madover In this 3-minute performance, five Bard Conservatory musicians perform individually and the videos are combined to form a seamless ensemble. Without watching the video, it sounds as if the performers are all together on the same stage while playing their instruments. The artists in the quintet are Jillian Reed (flute), 基拉·希納 (oboe), Collin Lewis (clarinet), Eleni Georgiadis (french horn), and Anna Pem (bassoon)....

曼里克: 通過舞蹈創造和平

曼里克: 通過舞蹈創造和平

By Alex Silverman From Luis Barreto comes a short documentary about violence, 藝術, peace, and rehabilitation. Manrique chronicles the journey of Yoiner Machado, a teacher and professional dancer who has used his dance academy to help the struggling communities of the city of Manrique in Columbia. Manrique is a city struggling with gang violence in its neighborhoods and people losing loved ones frequently due to all-out war. ...
