全球搜索教育:  氣候活動家 Mphathesithe Mkhize 探討南非在實現淨零排放的道路上取得的進展

全球搜索教育: 氣候活動家 Mphathesithe Mkhize 探討南非在實現淨零排放的道路上取得的進展

這個月, Planet Classroom Network 的觀眾可以與 Crispin Hemson 一起放映 Net Zero Speaks, 由保護我們的星球和星球教室策劃.

全球搜索教育: 氣候活動家 Sam Okorie 探討尼日利亞在實現淨零排放的道路上取得的進展

全球搜索教育: 氣候活動家 Sam Okorie 探討尼日利亞在實現淨零排放的道路上取得的進展

本月觀眾可以在 Planet Classroom Network 上放映 Net Zero Speaks to Rep Sam Onuigbo.

全球危機中的民主嗎? 探索一些威脅現代民主國家的主題

全球危機中的民主嗎? 探索一些威脅現代民主國家的主題

作者:Ethan Thomas 為世界各地的許多人, living in a country that has a democratic form of government is all they have known their entire lives. They learn about democracy in school, and how the founders of their country went to great lengths to establish such a system. 然而, the modern world is complex and many nations are experiencing threats to the traditional theories of Democracy. Is Democracy in a Global...

智慧城市如何應對氣候變化? 今天解決明天的問題

智慧城市如何應對氣候變化? 今天解決明天的問題

By Alex Silverman The latest entry in Planet Classroom’s Problem Solver Series comes from student Diamond Middleton. The problem Middleton wants to solve is fighting climate change with the cities of tomorrow; these cities are referred to as “smart cities.” The goal of these cities is to prompt sustainability, inclusion, and the improvement in the quality of people’s way of life. This short primarily focuses on cities around the world...

在自由之路, 囚犯學會解鎖自己

在自由之路, 囚犯學會解鎖自己

賴利·維斯涅夫斯基 10 一分鐘短片, 自由之路, 伊曼紐爾·沃恩-李 導演, shows us how to make good in a bad situation. In the documentary we follow Fleet Maull of the Prison Mindfulness Institute as he helps inmates learn proper communication and problem solving skills so that they can begin to live a better life and keep themselves from getting into further trouble. In an environment where everyone’s worst...
