Un plan para poner fin a la violencia armada mejoraría la vida de todos

Por Alex Silverman

Este película comes to us once again from Planet Classroom’s Solucionadores de problemas serie. In this short, producer Sydney Kim tackles a subject that is constantly at the forefront of societygun violence.

Gun violence seems to be a never-ending issue with constant back and forth on what to do about it. Mientras tanto, the stats in gun-related incidents, either intentional or accidental, continue to rise with increasing deaths and injuries. Kim points out that gun violence is an issue that affects everyone of all ages, races, and genders, which means a good solution could improve everyone’s lives. Sydney shares ideas for how to solve the problem including more gun control, better background checks, and effective policy reform.

While these are only a few of many good ideas, a lot more can be done with them. Since how to solve the problem of gun violence seems to be a constant back and forth argument, there is bound to be some kind of common ground between all the arguments. It is this common ground that needs to be better explored so that both sides can come to an agreement. doy este cortometraje 4 fuera de 5 estrellas.

Alex se graduó recientemente de Columbia College Chicago con especialización en escritura cómica. & Actuación y un minor en Escritura para Televisión. Aparte de su trabajo como parte del equipo de selección de películas de Planet Classroom Network en CMRubinWorld, se desempeñó como pasante de panelista de proyección para el Centro Internacional de Medios para Niños, un escritor de bocetos, y asistente de producción en el set en la 61.ª edición anual de los premios Emmy de Chicago/Midwest.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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