La contaminación del aire es una lección visual memorable

Por Julian Cao

Directed by Katherine Wang, Air Pollution is a one-minute visual lesson composed of paper cut-outs popping up and traveling across the screen in stop-motion animation. Accompanying the visuals is a burst of classical, well-nigh bombastic music that demands attention. Such stylistic choices possess a touch of whimsy that is quite endearing.

The film succinctly explains the detrimental causes and effects of air and water pollution. Por otra parte, the film appends possible solutions that viewers should implement to reduce environmental contamination, such as the use of electric cars and renewable energy.

The lesson, although not groundbreaking, is helpful in its brevity. It ends a bit abruptly, but overall the message is clear and concise.

Le daría esta película 3 fuera de 5 estrellas

Julian Cao se graduó con el mayor elogio con una licenciatura en cine de la Universidad Estatal de California, Playa Larga. Actualmente, Julian es el subdirector de MVPStyln Productions, y pasante de CMRubinWorld y Tsang & Asociados, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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