Técnica de animación Aniwayang exhibida en Daud Nugraha's “Pueblo de pepino”

By Amanda Tuccillo

El cortometraje Pueblo de pepino (El pueblo del pepino) por Daud Nugraha es una animación creativa que muestra el poder de la familia. Tres hermanos ciervo ratón viven felices en Cucumber Village hasta que una gallina aplasta la pelota de su hermano. The sisters come to his aid to lift his spirits.

The film uses the traditional art of shadow puppetry, “aniwayang” técnica, and displays an incredible amount of effort and time invested in its production.

Total, I would rate the film 4 fuera de 5 estrellas.

Amanda Tuccillo is a student at the University of Rhode Island studying Communications and Media Studies, as well as Public Relations with a focus in Social Media. She is a Communications Intern at CMRubinWorld with interests in writing, edición, and graphic design

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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