貝蒂提醒我們每個人都應該獲得一致的清潔來源, 安全飲用水.


Millions around the globe have never had the luxury of a consistent source of clean, safe, drinking water. It’s a resource that many of us take for granted. The short student film Betty serves as an important reminder that many have never gotten used to the comforts of an endless flow of filtered water coming from a shiny metal refrigerator. Paired with hand animated graphics, this short educational film takes viewers through an exercise of appreciation and awareness.

Betty was curated for the Planet Classroom Network by Ryan Wong Classroom at the Kang Chiao International School. This educational film reminds us it is the duty of those who can help to do so. In the case of access to clean drinking water, people can donate to organizations and charities who make it their goal to get filtration systems to impoverished communities. The overall message to help those in need is a message that viewers of all ages can learn from.

While this film has a strong and important message, it was short and could have been better presented versus the simple visuals and text sentences shown on the screen. 我仍然會向年輕觀眾推薦它,我給這部電影 3 出 5 星星.

Ethan Thomas 是佛羅里達州立大學的現任學生, 預計五月畢業 2023. 他主修創意寫作和信息技術,並正在從事電影製作事業.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
