舞蹈! 使孩子們能夠克服恐懼並追求夢想


Society has focused on encouraging kids to follow their hearts and minds in whatever direction this might take them. 然而, 面對變化或挑戰, 年輕人如何應對恐懼和缺乏自信?  安德里亞 (安迪) Mangano’s 舞蹈! 講述了一個年輕女孩在觀看表演後受到啟發成為一名舞者的美麗故事. Mangano’s animated story employs simple visuals and no dialogue to highlight that no matter what is thrown at each of us, our inspiration to succeed must come from within.

舞蹈! captures the reality of inspiration perfectly. The strong visuals and stylized animation highlight that while the young girl is inexperienced and insecure, she already has talent. The dancer was not the first artist she’d seen perform, but this role model was the “straw that broke the camel’s back,” allowing the young girl’s inner light to shine through. Mangano does not assert that one’s desire alone is enough to propel one to success. The young girl is scared once she makes the commitment to dance. She has to face the harsh realities of her choice by learning new skills and growing as a dancer. The messages of encouragement from family and friends help bolster her self-confidence along the way until she becomes a grown woman who knows her self-worth.

This story beautifully highlights the cycle of inspiration and how powerful self-confidence can be to others. I’d give this story a 4/5 because of the strength in its messaging and realism of the tale, 但, the dulled visual appearance makes it tonally confusing at times.

Ali Grutchfield 是薩凡納藝術與設計學院的大三學生,攻讀電影和電視製作. 她花時間為學區製作視覺和書面內容, 學校的在線新聞平台, 擔任 SCAD 電影俱樂部主席, 製作和編輯學生電影, 讀玄幻小說, 和她的貓喝咖啡, 叮噹.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
