探索新技術: 浮動太陽能發電場


Can Floating Solar Farms Help Us Achieve Net Zero? is a short informational film by Megan Weisnberger that outlines the technology and its current use cases. Floating solar farms have gained traction in the pursuit of clean energy, specifically in Asian countries. Utilizing open water space opposed to land has created unique opportunities to harvest energy in more versatile ways.

Megan Weisnberger provides a good explanation of the technology and the ways it has been successful already, as well as the ways it can be successful in the future. If floating solar farms can be understood on a more universal level, perhaps it may help in the goal for Net Zero. Despite the positives that arise from Megan’s work, I do wish that there was a more in-depth analysis of the ways it impacts the environment, specifically the ways it may harm aquatic biomes as well as the general impact it has compared to other clean energy sources.

我很高興給這部電影打分 3 出 5 星星.

Tanner Sell 是賓夕法尼亞州立大學的一名學生,主修電信和媒體行業,重點關注當前和未來技術問題的道德解決方案. 他是 CMRubinWorld 的通信實習生,對音樂和視頻製作感興趣, 哲學, 和社會學

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
