來自星球教室: 我的名字是多摩醬


It’s not often a political leader rises to fame for purely benevolent actions, but when it does happen, it’s a point of inspiration for generations to come. My Name is Tama-Chan follows the story of Yoshiomi Tamai, an advocate for legal rights and healthcare in Japan.

Fluttery piano tracks underscore an impressive amount of b-roll surrounding Tama-Chan and his efforts. Interviews with associates, 家庭成員, and citizens bolster the narrative surrounding his proactive efforts in Japan, but in every interview he manages to stay charmingly humble.

The sheer amount of footage and the quality of its editing truly make this short documentary stand out, 我強烈推薦它.

我會給這部電影 4/5 星星.


作者: ç. M. 魯賓
