Gregory Foltynowicz 的《治癒的藝術》展現了悲傷的現實


Ť他的治療藝術 是一部無聲短片,旨在有效地描繪悲傷和康復的階段. 這個故事是關於一位父親為失去女兒而悲傷的故事. 兩人一起享受繪畫,對藝術充滿熱情. 在整部電影中, 父親試圖在沒有女兒的情況下再次繪畫. 父親發生了轉變,起初他對繪畫猶豫不決, 然後他變得非常生氣並積極地扔油漆. 在電影結束時, the father is able to find the joy of creating again.

I found that Foltynowicz’s decision to create a silent film made the visual message all the more powerful. We can’t hear what the father is saying, but we can understand his feelings by seeing his actions alone. In just over 8 分鐘, this film encapsulates the stages of grief that one goes through after the loss of a loved one. This film is important for everyone to watch in order to understand there are many emotions one feels when going through the journey of grief, 但我們並不孤單.

我評價這部短片 4.5 出 5 星星.

Grace Madover 是馬里蘭大學的大四學生, 大學公園. 她主修傳播學,輔修領導力. 她是 CMRubinWorld 的通訊實習生,與我們的網站和社交媒體賬戶合作. 除了電影和寫作, 她的興趣包括閱讀, 騎自行車, 和烘烤.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
