Hearts of Steel captura el corazón con determinación de acero

Por Julian Cao

Directed by Gayle Wilmot, corazones de acero is a twenty-minute documentary film that centers on a group of steelpan musicians in Toronto.

The motley crew of steelpan musicians, or pannists, are diverse and of all stripes, but what unifies them is their palpable, unreserved love for the steelpan. They train rigorously and tirelessly; for endless hours, they convene and practice each song until they master it. Their dedication to their craft culminates in a big competition, where they engage in a high-energy, cathartic performance.

It is undeniable that they cherish the steelpan, as well as their time together. The steelpan allows them to cultivate their unparalleled bond as a community and a family. Sobre todo, it endows them with a sense of belonging.

corazones de acero tastefully demonstrates how we can find a home in music.

Le daría esta película 4 fuera de 5 estrellas.

Julian Cao se graduó con el mayor elogio con una licenciatura en cine de la Universidad Estatal de California, Playa Larga. Actualmente, Julian es el subdirector de MVPStyln Productions, y pasante de CMRubinWorld y Tsang & Asociados, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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