我是芬迪: 通過技術塑造烏干達的青年教育

Rhea Mursalin

Director Riede Dervay documents an incredibly significant organization, Fundibots, and the impact it has created on youth in Uganda in I am Fundi. This short film sheds light on the ways in which science and technology are taught to ensure children are embracing the ways of the future.

Dervay specifically follows a teacher by the name of Victor, and highlights his ambitious desire to make a change in the lives of the upcoming generation.

I thought that the intent behind this film was very noble and it definitely has the potential to change perspectives on learning, particularly education in different countries.

我會給這部電影 4.5 出 5 星星.

Rhea Mursalin is a recent graduate from the University of California, 聖地亞哥 (UCSD), where she earned a B.A. in Communications.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
