

Coughing Up Flowers is a cathartic music video written by Trinity Rose and directed by Lucas J. Takano. Rose’s song illustrates the emotional toll that falling in love can have, especially as a young person trying to navigate the ever-changing world. The true strength of this music video stems from the authenticity with which Rose and Takano depict the hopelessness and vulnerability she feels.

It is often easy to diminish the feelings and challenges young men and women face because they lack life experience. 然而, this video suggests that it’s their lack of experience that exacerbates fear and loneliness. Rose is even more lost because she’s never been through love or heartbreak before, as the song states, she “doesn’t know what’s fair enough.” The song is tragically relatable because of how honest Rose is in recognizing the damage that’s done when she forces herself into vulnerable positions. She candidly acknowledges that one can never truly tell how someone else feels. 因此,, she has to silently struggle and recognize that the boy could easily not feel the same way and “just slip away.”

Although love is not something easily put into words, Rose and Takano aptly depict the emotional intensity of one’s first love. As the music video progresses, Rose shows how her mental turmoil is manifesting itself as suffocation and scarring. This symbolically highlights the true gravity of experiences during her childhood and adolescence that she was irreparably changed by.

總體, 我會給 Coughing Up Flowers 一 4.5/5 星星

Ali Grutchfield 是薩凡納藝術與設計學院的大三學生,攻讀電影和電視製作. 她花時間為學區製作視覺和書面內容, 學校的在線新聞平台, 擔任 SCAD 電影俱樂部主席, 製作和編輯學生電影, 讀玄幻小說, 和她的貓喝咖啡, 叮噹.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
