ジングル・ザ・ドッグ- クリスマスの物語

By Candice Lee

Jingle the Dog – A Christmas Story is an animated film by Christopher Bishop and Erin Bishop. 休暇中に自分の居場所を見つけようとするジングルの挑戦的な冒険を描いています。. ジングルが直面しなければならなかった多くの障害がありましたが、その過程を通じて, 彼は優しさを広め、助けの手を差し伸べることを決してやめなかった. Jingle kept doing good for others even when people weren’t watching and was not getting anything in return.

This is a silent film with only music to accompany the animation. The music is original arrangements of holiday classics featuring a Marimba as the main instrument. Christopher Bishop also wrote and performed the music for this film. It does a good job in enhancing the emotions throughout the film and creating the holiday atmosphere.

I think this animated film is a good representation of doing good deeds even when no one is watching. Many people have experienced the loneliness and outcast that Jingle faced which makes it relatable. The wonderful original animation and music complimented each other in guiding the film forward. Although it was a silent film, I would recommend Jingle the Dog – A Christmas Story.

私はこの映画をあげます 4.5/5 stars 🙂

Candice Lee is a student at Chapman University majoring in Communication Studies with minors in Creative and Cultural Industries and Integrated Educational Studies. She is currently a Communications Intern at CMRubinWorld and a Cast Member at Disneyland California Adventures.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
