Manrique: Creando paz a través de la danza

Por Alex Silverman

From Luis Barreto comes a short documentary about violence, arte, peace, and rehabilitation. Manrique chronicles the journey of Yoiner Machado, a teacher and professional dancer who has used his dance academy to help the struggling communities of the city of Manrique in Columbia.

Manrique is a city struggling with gang violence in its neighborhoods and people losing loved ones frequently due to all-out war. Meanwhile, a visionary such as Yoiner Machado has been trying to change that. Yoiner and his dance academy have worked to bring peace and coexistence to the neighborhoods of Manrique for over 13 years. They have been able to change over 1,500 lives through the power of dance. It is people like Yoiner that are making real differences. His community is listening to him and following his motto: “we are a family.”

Doy esta pelicula 4.5 fuera de 5 estrellas

Alex se graduó recientemente de Columbia College Chicago con especialización en escritura cómica. & Actuación y un minor en Escritura para Televisión. Aparte de su trabajo como parte del equipo de selección de películas de Planet Classroom Network en CMRubinWorld, se desempeñó como pasante de panelista de proyección para el Centro Internacional de Medios para Niños, un escritor de bocetos, y asistente de producción en el set en la 61.ª edición anual de los premios Emmy de Chicago/Midwest.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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