音樂與藝術: 新歌劇

“奇蹟!, 一出新戲, 在贏得了人心,改造兒童的音樂教育。”
— ç. M. 魯賓

我知道當我經歷了奇蹟: getting the opportunity to meet Andrew Lloyd Weber in the 1980’s to talk about the talent of an unknown artist named Sarah Brightman who was to headline in a Lloyd Weber production called 歌舞; 坐在旁邊的吉姆·漢森,他談到了他的遠見,他跟進的提線木偶 – 一個小節目叫 Fraggle等搖滾; 正在採取我的朋友蘇珊和傑里克雷默看到一個有魅力的年輕指揮名叫弗朗西斯科·努涅斯激發年輕人的鮮為人知的多樣化合唱唱的音樂,就那麼鼓舞人心的,因為它是大膽多樣.

我怎麼知道我親眼目睹一個奇蹟? I get goose bumps. I feel I am in the presence of genius. And so far the goose bumps have not let me down. None of the aforementioned artists failed to raise the bar in their illustrious careers and deliver creative contributions to the arts that I believed the world would enthusiastically embrace.

自成立伊始二十三年, Nunez’s Young People’s Chorus has become one of the most influential and honored choruses in the world. 在此過程中, 它已經推出了數以百萬計的聽眾, 年輕人和老年人, 在整個頻譜偉大的音樂, 包括最新的尖端的組合物. 合作與備受推崇的作曲家, 表演, 和機構造成了藝術世界中同時和教育世界驚嘆的努涅斯已經實現了與一群年輕的音樂家,成為奇蹟 “藝術的造詣和多樣性的全國模範,” 根據總統委員會的藝術和人文學科.



努涅斯委託一個新的歌劇形象地稱為 奇蹟! 作曲家/指揮維多利亞·邦德和歌詞作者蘇珊·L. 羅斯, an author and illustrator of children’s books. 奇蹟!, 告訴記者,在歌舞, is the story about the miracle of Hanukkah. It features original music as well as traditional Hanukkah melodies. The opera’s eight principals include feisty children, 明智的父母和祖父母, not to mention a singing dog and toy bear. A packed house of enthusiastic families at the Jewish Community Center workshop in Manhattan last weekend exclaimed it a hit. Young People’s Chorus Assistant Conductor Sophia Miller guided the cast of approximately 30 學童從不等年齡 7 – 12 通過生產為全場爆笑, 引吭高歌鼓掌歡樂假期歌劇.

接下來, 紐約市青年合唱團正在籌劃一個完全成熟的生產與樂團, 套, 和十二月服飾, 2012. Victoria and Susan explain they will “繼續打磨和完善的歌劇。” It will be orchestrated as there is interest from other opera companies to include it in their winter season. As the new opera 奇蹟! 繼續旅程,贏得人心,改造兒童的音樂教育, 我很高興有機會聊天舊金山, 勝利, 和蘇珊這個重要的新歌劇作品,以音樂教育世界的貢獻.

“孩子應該接觸到歌劇和歌劇的藝術. 我希望他們能夠從事這個複雜的藝術形式。” — 弗朗西斯科·努涅斯

舊金山, 我不知道年輕的孩子們的聲音能夠處理 “歌劇”. 什麼是對兒童的音樂兒童劇之間的巨大差異?

It isn’t unusual for children to sing in opera. They have been doing that for years either as characters in operas of well-known composers or those written specifically for children, 例如 Brundibar by Czech composer Hans Krasa. The big difference between an opera and a musical is that generally in opera everything is sung. 在音樂有口語對話.

有什麼特殊的訓練, 紀律, 和準備做幼兒需要​​才可以唱大戲?
這些兒童已經受過訓練的歌手, 但在歌劇, 歌手需要很多的氣息, 以及執教的演技和反應. 對於歌劇, 我們需要每八個獨奏家合作 (母親, 父親, 奶奶, 爺爺, 女兒, 他的, 狗, 和玩具熊) individually to learn to project and to act a role. We worked with them to learn how to communicate the story while singing and reacting to each other’s characters.

Why did you feel it was necessary to commission an opera versus a musical?

I feel that children should be exposed to opera and the art of opera. I want them to be engaged in this sophisticated art form. From singing this kind of music, they learn different singing techniques.

Susan and Victoria, why is opera such an important art form for young children’s music education?
Susan and I believe that opera encompasses all of the arts. In an easy and natural way it exposes children to music, 舞蹈, costume and stage design, 劇, 歷史, 和詩歌. Such an intense experience of opera at an early age can encourage a life-long appreciation.

勝利, why do you believe 奇蹟! will have universal appeal?

Children of every background and ethnicity have a similar issuegetting along with each other. 奇蹟! addresses this as the children begin (in the opera) by arguing and not listening. They plan a play celebrating Hanukkah, but they can’t agree on anything. During the course of the opera, they learn to listen to each other’s stories and songs, and they begin to become more tolerant and understanding. Hanukkah is a celebration of light, 和 奇蹟! is about how that light goes off in each child’s head, saying, “We need to get along with our parents, our brothers and sisters, and our friends.The story also represents bringing community together.

蘇珊, what are your thoughts on the universal appeal of 奇蹟!?

我認為 奇蹟! has universal appeal because it’s an every-family story. 為了我們, the real message is one of family understanding and underlying love. 我們希望 奇蹟! can remind everyone, including those of us who have grown up with other traditions, that at all times, including those of momentary frustration and irritation, it is with kindness and generosity and tolerance that we should treat those whom we love the best.

維多利亞債券, ç. M. 魯賓, 弗朗西斯科·努涅斯, 蘇珊大號. 羅斯

ç. M. 魯賓是廣泛閱讀網上系列的作者, 全球搜索教育, 也是三本暢銷書, 其中 真正的愛麗絲夢遊仙境.

按照ç. M. 魯賓在Twitter: www.twitter.com/@cmrubinworld

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
