My Dinner With An Android: Unraveling A Meta Mystery

Por: Alex Silverman

En My Dinner With An Android, dirigido, written, and produced by Grant Bomar, with Dean Bomar as editor and cinematographer, a 30-minute short film unfolds.

The plot follows a documentary filmmaker investigating a mysterious dinner party disappearance, led by a suspect AI scientist with potentially sinister motives.

The film’s strength lies in its use of surreal imagery, although one could argue it might be excessive.

A pesar de esto, it remains an intriguing addition to the ever-expanding realm of artificial intelligence. I rate this film 3 fuera de 5 estrellas.

Alex Silverman is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago with a major in Comedic Writing & Actuación y un minor en Escritura para Televisión. Aparte de su trabajo como parte del equipo de selección de películas de Planet Classroom Network en CMRubinWorld, he is a sketch writer, and pursuing a career in acting in New York City.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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