R.V 描繪了墮胎被禁止的可怕未來


房車 is a short film by directors Melissa Center and Will Hawkes that depicts the horrific, dystopian future where abortions have been outlawed and must be performed in clandestine operations. Using little dialogue, the film manages to convey deep levels of emotion with body language and environment.

With the recent siege on women’s reproductive rights, the looming threat of abortion remains overhead. Women all over the world fear for a future where they lose this right, 和 房車 manages to artfully display that emotion through film.

Melissa Center and Will Hawkes impressively illustrate so many complex ideas with little to no dialogue. The skill this takes cannot be understated, and anyone who knows film will agree that 房車 is nothing short of amazing.

我很高興給這部電影打分 5 出 5 星星。

Tanner Sell 是賓夕法尼亞州立大學的一名學生,主修電信和媒體行業,重點關注當前和未來技術問題的道德解決方案. 他是 CMRubinWorld 的通信實習生,對音樂和視頻製作感興趣, 哲學, and sociology.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
