動物園に革命を起こす: 自然保護への目覚め

By Emily Brooks

In the educational film, 動物園に革命を起こす: From Entertainment to Conservation by Lina Tellefsen, 動物園が動物福祉よりも利益を優先するという一般的な問題に巧みに対処している. テレフセンはビジュアルとナレーションを使用して、動物園が直面する重大な問題を調査します, 不十分な医療も含めて, それらを動物保護の砦に変える解決策を提案する.

The information is thoroughly researched and presented in a clear and accessible manner. The film unveils the surprising reality of some zoos prioritizing earnings and entertainment over conservation and education. It advocates for ethical practices, urging zoos to prioritize animal care, reduce their carbon footprint, and embrace sustainable solutions.

The film delivers a necessary message about ethical zoo practices, earning it a commendable 4 の中から 5 出演者.

Emily Brooks is a recent graduate of Moraine Park Technical College, where she earned an AAS in Graphic Communications, as well as Web Development and Design, and graduated with high honors as a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
