

道路殺手 is a short film from Ava Fumarolo, which comically depicts the horror of hitting something on the road. With each passing minute, we are left with a threatening sense of unrest as title cards tick by, one after another. Sometimes the moment reveals an unexpected scare; other times, it leaves us with a laugh. Regardless, in the short few minutes that “道路殺手” runs, you must always be on your toes.

Ava Fumarolo does a great job of converging aspects of comedy and horror to create this engaging short film. “道路殺手” is simply fun and leaves you wanting more of it. Nothing is overdone or overwritten; it is a tight experience that packs a punch of creativity and fills your lungs with fresh air.

我很高興給這部電影打分 5 出 5 星星。

Tanner Sell 是賓夕法尼亞州立大學的一名學生,主修電信和媒體行業,重點關注當前和未來技術問題的道德解決方案. 他是 CMRubinWorld 的通信實習生,對音樂和視頻製作感興趣, 哲學, 和社會學

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
