Película estudiantil pide que salvemos a las abejas y salvemos el planeta

Por Reilly Wisniewski

El cortometraje de Brigid Donahue, Ahorrar las abejas salvan el planeta, ofrece todo lo que desea saber sobre el estado actual de la población de abejas. De inmediato me atraen las obras de arte creadas por el cineasta.. Es una manera tan fácil de mostrar el talento y el arte.. Me encanta que la película incorpore citas directas y declaraciones de fuentes académicas.. Donahue hace un buen trabajo al mostrar la importancia de las abejas y el papel que juegan en nuestros ecosistemas..

I do think the film would greatly benefit with a voice over track. Having narration in a way makes the film seem more important. The topic talked about in this film is important and that should be conveyed in the best way possible. The audience will be more engaged if they have that added dialogue. The author of the video gives their name and addresses the problem they want solved most. This film is already personal to the author, so I think hearing her voice would elevate everything.

I thought the look of the film was great and the length was just the right amount. The information comes at you quickly but not so fast that you can’t digest it all. The zooming of the background images could be stretched out a bit more so they don’t just stop moving, but it doesn’t affect the overall message being told. Imagery shown throughout was well selected and fit what was being explained in the text. This film accomplishes what it set out to do: inform its audience of the importance of bees and what needs to be done to protect them.

Le daría esta película 3 fuera de 5 estrellas

Reilly Wisniewski is a Senior at Compass College of Film and Media. He is currently on his way to a Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts with an emphasis on Film Editing. He is a Film and Video editing intern at CMRubinWorld working on their Net Zero series.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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