La Búsqueda Global para la Educación: Los músicos de bardo mantienen la música vibrante durante la pandemia

Este mes en Planet Classroom Network, el público puede proyectar músicos del Bard College Conservatory of Music, Isabela Cruz-Vespa, Tobias Timofeyev y Oleg Timofeyev – el Korona Konsort – synchronously perform the first movement of a Telemann Trio Sonata en La menor.

In this musical cover, the artists capture Georg Philipp’s unique composition. Their outside performance in what seems to be pajama pants and formal tops beautifully conveys the isolation many of us have had to endure with the COVID-19 pandemic, y todavía, it won’t stop great musicians from playing marvelous pieces of work.

La Búsqueda Global para la Educación is pleased to welcome the Korona Konsort –  Isabela Cruz-Vespa, Tobias Timofeyev y Oleg Timofeyev.

Your performance is lovely. How have you dealt with the fact that you couldn’t perform in front of a live audience during the pandemicThere is of course playing for online audiences but how would you compare the two experiences?

As musicians, all three of us had experience performing. Our ensemble, sin embargo, only came into being when, en marzo 2020, we suddenly found ourselves stuck in quarantine together. That is cut off from other people, caught in a strange new reality full of masks, Zoom meetings, and sourdough starters. Since Oleg is an expert on historically informed performance, we decided to use the time to explore Baroque music together. Not only was this a learning opportunity for Isabela and Tobias, but it also ended up being a great deal of fun. Spontaneously, we decided to make a video for the many other people who were having similar experiences. Live performance with an audience in a concert hall was no longer possible. But we connected to our audience through a different shared experience: that of the pandemic and quarantine, which millions of people suddenly had in common. As such we decided to call ourselves the Korona Konsort. While we hoped that viewers would enjoy the music we played in our videos, we also knew that they would understand the playful allusions to the moment in history we all found ourselves in.

It’s been amazing for audiences to watch musicians and artists all over the world even performing in their bedrooms. Does this have anything to do with the clothes you chose to wear?

Sí, absolutamente. Musicians were performing in their bedrooms, as were lecturers, estudiantes, and anyone else who had to work from home. Many people’s work life was stuck in the video frame, which gave rise to topoi such as the one of the “Zoom shirt.” Our use of the pyjama pants is a variant of this. Another effect of this was that our world shrank to the size of your dwelling, which at the same time became more public than before. In addition to the video where we play the Telemann, we made several others that each featured a different corner of the domestic space in which we were stuck –– turning our garage, our living room, and our kitchen into performance spaces. Naturalmente, we kept the signature dress-code of the Korona Konsort throughout all these videos.

Can you speak a little about the Telemann composition you perform. What do you think makes this piece of music so specialWhat kind of compositions inspire you?

Georg Phillip Telemann was a great master of ensemble music. In addition to interesting harmonies and engaging counterpoint, he really understood the dramatic potential of several (por ejemplo, three) instrumentos. Es por eso que encontramos en este Andante un maravilloso patio de recreo para mostrar cómo nuestras personalidades musicales pueden conversar entre sí., y cómo nuestras tres líneas musicales se pueden unir de maneras imaginativas. Estamos especialmente interesados ​​en piezas menos conocidas de varios períodos de tiempo y países.. Actualmente estamos trabajando en un nuevo video con una selección de piezas de Isabella Leonarda, la primera compositora conocida en publicar sonatas.

¿Adónde ves que irá la interpretación musical en el próximo? 1- 15 años?  ¿Cuáles son tus esperanzas y sueños para tu música en el futuro??

En cuanto a nuestra visión de futuro, Hay pocas dudas en estos días de que eventualmente el virus estará bajo control., si no ha desaparecido por completo de nuestra existencia. Pero el mundo no volverá exactamente al estado anterior a COVID; es probable que algunas de las tendencias y formas de arte de la época de la Gran Pandemia se queden. Por ejemplo, la gente no se había dado cuenta antes de cuánto se puede lograr a través de Skype y Zoom, sin contacto físico. Es probable que muchas actividades permanezcan en línea. Con esto en mente, la Korona Konsort espera seguir produciendo videos, experimentando con esta forma de arte, y explorando repertorios olvidados.

C.M. Rubin con Oleg Timofeyev, Isabela Cruz-Vespa, y Tobias Timofeyev

No te pierdas Isabela Cruz-Vespa, Tobias Timofeyev, y Oleg Timofeyev – el Korona Konsort – realizar el primer movimiento de un Telemann Trio Sonata en La menor en Planet Classroom.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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