全球搜索教育: 氣候活動家亞歷杭德拉·弗拉戈薩採訪卡洛斯·愛德華多·馬克斯

這個月, 觀眾可以串流 淨零與卡洛斯·愛德華多·馬克斯對話, 廣受好評的淨零影片系列的最新補充.

This Net Zero video series is curated by the Protect Our Planet Movement and Planet Classroom.

In the new episode Climate activist Alejandra Fragoso interviews Carlos Eduardo Marques a senior analyst at Sicoob and the Founder of Ambiafro. Fragosa from Mexico is an engineer and a POP Movement Advocate. She is dedicated to the SDGs and gender equality. She innovates for eco-friendly solutions and inspires positive mindsets. In the new Net Zero episode, she introduces us to the work of Carlos Eduardo Marques, a pivotal sustainability leader shaping Brazil’s net-zero drive.

全球搜索教育 is pleased to welcome Alejandra Fragoso.

Alejandra, why did you choose to interview Carlos Eduardo Marques?

The reason behind my choice was his commitment and 15 years of professional experience in various key areas related to Net Zero. His remarkable efforts and dedication in climate commitment, implementation of Net Zero strategies, and decarbonization provide a fresh perspective in the realm of Net Zero work. His leadership in the areas of environment, 氣候, 可持續性, and sustainable finance offer insights into his character and future vision. He is a young leader committed to shaping the future.

What surprised you most during your interview?

An enlightening moment emerged when he encouraged the younger generation, emphasising their inheritance of prior generationslegacies. He urged proactive involvement in global dialogues, advocating for addressing and mitigating intergenerational consequences.

What would you say are your 3 淨零觀眾從您的採訪中得到的主要收穫?

Numerous insights emerged from this conversation, but the three key takeaways include:

首先, companies must adopt guidelines aligning with Net Zero missions. 然而, the clear reality is the necessity to transform their processes, 設備, and culture to comprehend the transition’s significance toward achieving a Net Zero future.

其次, managing risks in the short and long term is crucial to navigating the Net Zero path. Various guidelines, 工具, and strategies are available and should be implemented.

最後, societal consciousness and deliberate development foster impactful solutions that transcend environmental boundaries. Initiatives may start locally, such as in Brazil, but educating and raising awareness can have a global influence, driving effective change beyond regional limitations.

Thank you Alejandra!

ç. M. Rubin and Alejandra Fragoso

不要錯過 淨零與卡洛斯·愛德華多·馬克斯對話, now streaming on the Planet Classroom Network. This film is curated by the Protect Our Planet Movement and Planet Classroom.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
