全球搜索教育: 導演克里斯托弗·卡彭特 (Christopher Carpenter) 討論了 Bada Aadmi (好人) 和幸福的情感財富

本月觀眾可以看到克里斯托弗卡彭特的電影, 巴達阿德米 (好人), 在Planet Classroom Network YouTube頻道上.

在世界幸福報告中 2017, 印度排名 122 出於 155 被評估的國家. 在響應, 幸福課程於 7 月在德里公立學校推出 2018. 課程由四個不同的組成部分組成,這些組成部分協調一致地灌輸給年輕人, 他們的父母和家人, 和他們的老師掌握一套生活技能,可以幫助他們克服逆境並在瞬息萬變的世界中茁壯成長. 這些成分是正念, 活動, 故事, 和自我表達的機會.

Christopher Carpenter 的電影展示了這個課程. 每一章都講述了一個年輕人和他們的社區由於課程中鼓勵這種變化的任何部分而發生積極變化的故事.  在 巴達阿德米 (好人), Anshu, 新德里公立學校系統中的一個小女孩, 在聆聽並內化幸福課程的一個故事後經歷了轉變.

全球搜索教育 很高興歡迎克里斯托弗·卡彭特導演回歸.

克里斯, 是什麼激勵您分享幸福課程中的這個特殊故事?

在決定將哪些故事作為更大範圍的一部分時 幸福日記 紀錄片系列, 我們知道盡可能多地離開教室並記錄參與幸福課程的年輕人在家庭和社區空間內的生活很重要. 因為安舒分享說,她在幸福課堂上的課程直接進入了她的家庭生活,並體現在身體上的感激之情 – the notes of gratitude taped to the wall and the meal she prepared for her motherwe realized we could tell the story through the visual imagery as much as through the spoken words of Anshu and her family and teachers. It was a story that was compelling and appropriate for the medium of film.

巴達阿德米 is just one of the chapters in the Happiness Curriculum series. It helped young students realize the importance of sharing kindness with everyone. What other skills do you believe the story focused on?  

這部電影觸及了一些與課程信息相一致的主題. 除了它簡單的善良力量的信息, 這部電影反映了將成功的社會定義與消費財富分開的努力 – 在電影裡, 安舒講述了她為了擁有新的東西而渴望一個新包,並讓她媽媽為她購買的故事, 而不是享受她已經擁有的包. 你必須記住幸福課程 – 並通過擴展, 這些電影 – were made against the backdrop of a generation of young people experiencing an unprecedented level of dissatisfaction and unhappiness, some of which stemming from access to social media and global consumer culture. The Curriculumand thus the filmtry to address these perceptions and shift value inward, toward the emotional wealth of wellbeing.

Why do you feel it is important to capture the importance of kindness given to parents?

When examining the stories of young people experiencing adversity, I find the contributions made by parents are often ignored or neglected in the storytelling. I think a lot of this has to do with perceptions and stereotypes of adversity in the Global South being reinforced in the Global Northwithout the presence of parent or community figures, these stories of adversity might achieve a higher level of sympathy from viewers, and therefore a higher rate of actionability. 其結果, it was important for us to contribute to ongoing conversations the notion that entire families, complete with two parents, can and do experience hardship and adversity. It’s important to acknowledge and appreciate the work being done by parents, especially if that work is ensuring their children don’t go hungry, or are able to have school books for the year. Showing kindness to parents cements the notion that all parenting is valuable, no matter the result – 事實上, parenting in the face of adversity is all the more laudable.

Do you think there is hope for more empathetic generations to emerge inspired by programming like this? What do you hope audiences will take away most of all from this film?

I absolutely think the generation coming of age today will be the most empathetic and inclusive in history. We already see this in a few key metrics – 例如, more young people today identify openly as LGBTQ than any generation before. This generation will experience the most diversity in their lives as globalizing communities interconnect and access to information and experiences increases. Especially with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the various points of activism occurring in many places around the world, the stringent lines of society are starting to blurdue to the hardships of the pandemic, families once separated generationally are moving back in together and gender roles are being challenged, and through an unprecedented access to information racism, sexism, classism, and other issues generate awareness and activism. These are sweeping trends; what I hope audiences take away from this film is to never lose focus on the smallest of moments, the smallest of tokens of gratitude that, when taken across a lifetime and across a generation become a trend or statistic, but when taken individually, can simply be what makes someone’s day a little better.

C.M. 魯賓和克里斯托弗·卡彭特

不要錯過克里斯托弗卡彭特的電影, 巴達阿德米 (好人), 在Planet Classroom Network YouTube頻道上.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
