全球搜索教育: 導演洪奕君創作動人致敬母子之愛

韓國導演 Ejun Hong 的 92 一歲的祖父在他年少時就失去了母親 3 歲。洪的祖父患上老年癡呆症並開始失去寶貴的記憶, 所以洪想拍一部向他和他的生活致敬的電影. 或許最重要的, 她想照亮她相信永遠不會消失的母子之間的愛.

Planet Classroom 的觀眾在放映時會享受到令人振奮的款待 母親, 洪恩俊的動畫短片廣受好評.

全球搜索教育 很高興地歡迎導演Ejun Hong


在 2019, 我在斯洛伐克的時候, 我祖父的健康狀況迅速惡化. 他不能再用手吃飯了, 自己去洗手間, 並且無法正常聽到或說話. 我的家人很難看到我們曾經認識的受人尊敬的有魅力的男人慢慢消失. 因為我無法親自到場安慰我的祖父和其他家人, 我想做點什麼讓大家振作起來. 其結果, 我創建 母親, a short animated film about maternal love and family that depicts my grandfather’s life from losing his mother at a young age to building his own family and later reuniting with his mother in heaven. After showing this film to my family in Korea, they responded with tears of joy and were very touched by the film. And this unforgettable experience opened my eyes to the limitless potential of animated storytelling.

Did you do any research on Alzheimer’s before you made the film, 如果這樣, 這項研究如何影響你講述故事的方式?

對我的動畫講故事影響最大的不是我對阿爾茨海默氏症的研究, 而是我親眼目睹祖父患老年癡呆症的親身經歷. 幾年來, 我親眼看著祖父失去了珍貴的記憶. 然而, 有時, 當他回憶起他的母親或聽到“母親”這個詞時, 他總是感動得流淚. 看著我的祖父患有老年癡呆症, I realized that although he is losing his precious memories and living the last days of his life, he never stopped his love and longing for his mother. 因此,, I wanted to deliver a message that, “Time always goes by. But the love for his mother never fades away.” That is why I decided to deliver the story using elements of time in the design. The big clock that progresses the story represents the entirety of my grandfather’s life, and the images of the clocks and hourglasses in the design of the characters and backgrounds symbolize time. Toward the beginning of the film, my grandfather’s mother leaves flowers to him that stay with him throughout the film, which represents her eternal love toward her son. The ending reflects my hope that one day, he would finally meet his mother and tell her that he has lived a good life to make her proud.

Just like this, based on my observation of my grandfather who suffers from Alzheimer’s, 我在三分鐘內展示了他充滿挑戰但成功的生活。

如果你能和小時候的祖父談起他的母親, 你會對他說什麼?

如果我能和小時候的祖父談起他的母親, 我會說:“你會建立一個充滿愛和幸福的家庭, 你會遇到像你媽媽愛你一樣愛你的人. 她將永遠和你在一起,並會為你的生活方式而感到自豪。”

你在動畫製作過程中面臨的最大挑戰是什麼? 該過程需要多長時間才能達到您滿意的成品?

動畫製作過程中我遇到的最大挑戰,就是在短短三分鐘內成功展現了我祖父的生活, 不使用任何敘述。

成功傳達中心主題, 母子之間永無止境的愛, I decided to use the big clock in the background to progress the narrative while allowing the viewer to emotionally experience a man’s 92-year-long life in a matter of seconds.

然後, I decided to use vibrant colors, gentle music, and design and sound editing that reflects the flow of time to build emotional resonance throughout the film.

After considering every aspect of my film, it took two weeks to culminate in a finished product that I was satisfied with.

What did you hope to accomplish with your film? What feelings did you wish to evoke from the viewer?

Since I love and respect my grandfather very much, I wanted to pay tribute to him by creating a film that shows his challenging yet successful life. 因此,, by setting his mother as the central theme of the film, I delivered a message that the love between a mother and son never fades away.

最重要的, through my film, I wanted to make my grandfather experience the everlasting love between him and his mother in a way he never has.

And for the viewers who watch my film, 我想提醒他們一家人之間的愛,讓他們意識到它是多麼的珍貴和美好。


C.M. Rubin 和 Ejun Hong

不要錯過 母親 (由NFFTY策劃), 現在在 Planet Classroom Network 上放映.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
