全球搜索教育: 電影製作人製作關於她老師廣受讚譽的課程的紀錄片

本月在Planet Classroom網絡上, 觀眾可以放映 調整學生的思維, an impressive documentary from Director Chelsea Jackson.

位於底特律創意研究學院, 這部 27 分鐘的電影講述了三名參加 Molly Beauregard 教授社會科學課程的學生的旅程. 通過受試者的個人故事, 這部電影說明了調整學生思維方法如何培養優秀的學者和學生, 自我反省意識. 觀眾發現 Beauregard 大膽而非常規的身份研究方法, 推動她的學生激發自己的創造力和想像力.

紀錄片之外, 調整學生的思維 is a book and a 501c3 organization that supports wellness practices on college campuses all over the country.

全球搜索教育 很高興歡迎切爾西傑克遜.

切爾西, 什麼 吸引你去創作這部重要的紀錄片? 

當我在創意研究學院大二時報名參加她的社會學課程時,我遇到了 Molly Beauregard. 我馬上就知道莫莉是一個特別的人,也是一個獨一無二的老師, 但那時我不知道我們的生活會變得多麼交織在一起。

在我們在一起的第一個學期之後, Molly 選擇我作為學習冥想的兩個學生之一. 她試圖讓一門將冥想納入核心課程的課程獲得批准, 作為一種試運行,她需要幾個學生先學習。

我第一次打坐的經歷是一次我永遠不會忘記的深潛. 我記得出來後立即打電話給莫莉,問她每個學生如何才能獲得冥想訓練. 這對我來說是一個經典的蚱蜢時刻. 她已經研究了很長一段時間,當我發現, 開始一個包含冥想的課程並不是一件容易的事。

快進兩年, 這門課終於被批准了,我在大四的最後一個學期註冊了它. 我一直在為我的論文項目記錄我作為學生學習冥想的經歷. 參加 Molly 有冥想成分的第一堂課,為漫長而美麗的旅程畫上了完美的句號。

說實話, 記錄這個故事是非常有機和累積的. 我幾乎沒有意識到我有一個故事,直到我很好地融入了這個過程. 畢業一年後, 有一天我給莫莉打電話,告訴她我一直在想這門課, 她的愛的存在對我來說意味著多少, 以及她的課程如何改變了我. 我問她能否拍一部關於她班級的紀錄片,她很高興地同意了。

Beauregard 以非常規和創新的方式激發年輕人的創造力和想像力,非常鼓舞人心. Can you speak about some of the success stories this work has inspired?

I have heard many success stories from students who have taken Molly’s class and I believe there is evidence that her work is being embraced. First off, I’ll just mention that Molly has a bulletin board in her office littered with thank you notes from students. Frequently, former students write two or three years after taking her class

I know of several students who have shifted the direction of their work after taking her class. 例如, several students have developed an interest in documenting stories about community and the environment after taking her class. Some have become art teachers and some have focused on community based art making. One student I know has taken interest in spiritual ecology as it relates to indigenous traditions. Some have made short films on mindfulness.

I think the majority of students leave Molly’s class knowing they have something within them changed, and that change helps them streamline their desires into actions that are community oriented, with an emphasis on knowing and loving thyself.

還, prior to making the film, there was basically just a counseling office on the campus of CCS, and now there is a full fledged wellness center that offers weekly mindfulness sessions. Molly was instrumental in supporting the meditation incubator at Pratt Institute. She also consulted with faculty at Albion, 聖. Francis, U of Arkansas, 和其他機構關於將冥想融入課程核心課程的好處. She is now the co-director of the U of M program in creativity and consciousness. 進展緩慢,但正在發生!! 

我們仍處於大流行中,我們也面臨著全球青年心理健康危機. Beauregard 的學習方法在此時此刻有多重要? 

我認為 Molly 的學習和教學方法非常重要,而且一直都是, but right now we are living in a time of increased anxiety, 應力, and upset energy that is exacerbated by uncertainty and inconsistency. I know my meditation practice has helped me feel more balanced in this time and I can really tell when I’m giving myself the time I need vs. when I’m falling off the wagon.

Meditation is, as Henry says in the film, a really beautiful tool to have in your toolbox. It really comes in handy when you need it. And from my experience, even if you forget about or ignore that tool for a long time, it’s right there to greet you when you remember how much you benefit from using it.

Who do you believe is your target audience for this film and what are the important takeaways you want for them

The target audience of the 調整學生的思維 film are high school and college age students. I believe one of the most important takeaways from watching the film is developing a true sense of self. As Molly says, “Who are you? What do you want to be? Why do you believe the things you believe?” Analyzing these questions helps us to learn and grow in ways we never imagined. Molly is a big advocate for developing community based relationships, spreading joy and love, giving back to your community and giving back to yourself in a consistent manner.

Tuning the Student Mind started as an idea that grew into a college course that has helped hundreds of students. It became a documentary, 一本書, and eventually a 501c3 organization that supports wellness practices on college campuses all over the country. 如果看完這部電影還有一件事要記住, 就是小想法可以變成大夢想. 如果您正在努力工作,則需要讓您自己和您的社區保持身心健康, 每個人都受益。


切爾西傑克遜 C.M. 魯賓

不要錯過星球課堂 調整學生的思維, an impressive documentary from Director Chelsea Jackson.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
