全球搜索教育: Lynne Cherry 為我們的星球提出了一項青年聲音行動計劃

的使命 星球的年輕聲音 (YVFP) 是通過賦予青年權力來應對氣候變化的影響。 YVFP 通過創造自我教育的年輕人的振奮人心和鼓舞人心的故事來做到這一點, 他們的同齡人和他們的社區, 並在此過程中通過改變法律成為領導者, 改變思想,改變世界.

本月在Planet Classroom網絡上, 觀眾可以放映 綠色大使, 由琳恩·切瑞製作和導演. 綠色大使計劃是由學生開發的草根計劃, 給學生, 為了學生們將繼承的世界的利益. 他們通過所有項目的策略是為綠色大使提供經驗,以獲取知識和發展技能,這不僅有助於他們在項目中, but also provide them with real-world skills. The students take the issues, 研究和開發解決方案, 並向他們的同行和整個社區社會營銷解決方案.

全球搜索教育 很高興歡迎琳恩櫻桃.

林恩, 您將這部電影獻給希望成為社區和世界變革推動者的年輕人. 你的電影受到了兒童讀物的啟發, 我們如何了解我們對不斷變化的氣候的了解: 科學家和孩子們探索全球變暖. 這本書是如何促成你的電影創作的?

在 Gary Braasch 和我寫了記錄氣候變化科學的書之後, we realized that young people might get despondent and we wanted to provide positive success stories of what other young people were doing to abate CO2 emissions in order to inspire and empower them.

Since your film was released, we have watched young people around the world rise up and become passionate activists for their planet. This is particularly evident at COP26 this year in Glasgow. What do you believe this international youth movement has achieved so far and where do you see these young people going in the future?

Young people like Greta Thunberg are demanding climate action and shaming the adults. They are waking up adults. I see these young people taking over the reins of power.

In the UK and other countries, many seek to make climate education part of the traditional curriculum in schools for all children. What are your thoughts on this?  

We have a serious problem in this country with a well-oiled machine that creates false information. Their strategy is to make people question whether climate change is real, just as the cigarette industry did to try to subvert the science that showed unequivocally that cigarettes cause cancer. We know unequivocally that CO2 and global warming gases cause climate change. I would like to see young people challenge FOX ‘news’. They could do that if they organized such a campaign.

最後, how can young people who don’t have a Green Ambassador style program at their school get involved with helping the planet?

Young people can tackle any number of issues. Let me suggest that young people take a look at the Young Voices for the Planet ACTION PLAN. This will walk them through the steps of:

一 – Assessing and Analyzing what needs to be done

ç – Collaborating with other students

Ť – Creating a Timetable

我 – Identifying influencerspeople who can help them get the job done

該 – Organize

ñ – Share the news about their project and their successes

Anyone can see the plan and take a look at all the other ideas, 故事, and resources on the Young Voices for the Planet website. Students who do not have a Green Ambassador program at their school can share this curriculum with their teachers and ask them to teach from itto introduce the class to participatory democracyidentifying a problem or issue, learning how to get changes made in their community, especially reducing waste, reducing CO2 emissions, planting trees – 見 這裡.

他們是, as Mari says in the film Save Tomorrow:

Find Your Team!

Find Your Passion!

Find Your Power!

Go out and don’t be afraid to have your voices heard! You can make a difference in your community and in the world.

C.M. Rubin and Lynne Cherry

不要錯過 綠色大使, 現在在 Planet Classroom Network 上放映.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
