教育のためのグローバル検索: マットストリーターの皮! 障害を克服することを学ぶことについてです

私はいつもの前提が好きだった 1990 blockbuster feature film Home Alone – 8年間のトラブルメーカーは、クリスマス休暇中に家族に誤って置き去りにされたときに、2人の強盗から家を守らなければなりません。. While the short film 隠れる! is not quite the same kind of movie, it is a fun-packed, use your brain power to thwart the monster story that audiences of all ages can enjoy. Directed by Matt Streeter, it’s also a “family project” starring Matt and his daughters, Olivia and Ava Streeter, as two little girls fighting off a monster who clearly underestimates their girl power abilities.

教育のためのグローバル検索 invited Matt Streeter and his daughters, Ava and Olivia, to learn more about the making of their film.

Welcome guys. Your film is such fun. What inspired you to put together this fun family project?

Ava: We wanted to know how to make a film.

マット: そのとおり. We wanted to learn how to make a film and do post-production for it.

So what’s the big dreamWhat do you hope to accomplish?

マット: We hope to achieve maximum distribution for it. And that distribution will assist Olivia and Ava with getting the exposure they need for their acting careers.

How has the process of making a film impacted, influenced, or shifted your perspective?

Olivia: Well now that we’ve been in the film, we watch TV shows and see how much work they put into that film they worked on.

マット: そのとおり. Making this film really opened our eyes to all that actors have to do when filming a TV show or movie. また, we learned how arduous the post-production process can be!

This film demonstrates how resourceful two smart little girls can be. Do you think it will empower young people who watch it

マット: Definitely, はい! We know that our film will show kids that no matter how small you are or how big your adversary is or how big your problem is, you can use your brain to outsmart your obstacles and accomplish anything!

So if you were to create a sequel to 隠れる!, what would the girls do next?

Ava: We would create “Seek”, like hide and seek the game.

マット: And it’s going to be you two girls chasing me. And Olivia, you had an idea for a trilogy.

Olivia: うん. The third one would be the mom and dad maybe chasing the girls, and then the girls would be chasing the parents.

マット: We’d be both chasing each other on teams and it’d be called “Hide and Seek”.

Olivia: And the parents are chasing them because they’re grounded for making a film on their own, and because we are mad at them.

Sounds perfect. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts with us!

C.M. ルービン, マットストリーター, エヴァ・ストリーター, オリビア・ストリーター

お見逃しなく 隠れる!, selected for Best of the Fest 2021 KIDSFIRSTによる! プラネットクラスルームネットワークに関連して.

著者: C言語. M. ルービン
