全球搜索教育: 用底特律蕁麻疹重建生活

這個月 星球課堂網絡, audiences around the world can screen 底特律蕁麻疹, 蒂姆·保爾(Tim Paule)和妮可·林賽(Nicole Lindsey)主持的關於底特律東區一個城市養蜂場的簡短紀錄片, a young couple working to create opportunities for Detroit natives.

Directed by Palmer Morse and Rachel Weinberg, 電影探討了將多樣性帶入養蜂業和重建城市內社區的重要性. One third of the food we eat depends on pollination. Paule and Lindsey, whose motto is “Work hard, stay bumble,” work to beautify communities, educate people and improve the environment at the same time.

全球搜索教育 is pleased to welcome Tim Paule and Nicole Lindsey.

Detroit Hives converts vacant lots in the Detroit area into spaces for urban bee 耕作. These gardens provide fruits and vegetables to the community, 還有 as a location for bees to cross-pollinate. What are some additional benefits of the emergence of this type of non-profit organization

Additional benefits include using our platform to educate inner city youth on the importance of bee conservation. We provide tours to give the community an opportunity to explore an urban hive and see the inner workings of a bee colony. 最後, through the process of transforming vacant lots into green spaces, we are able to increase the quality of life for residents by addressing the issues around blight, crime and violence within vacant spaces.

Those who work at Detroit Hives are very passionate about educating youth in the local school districts by exposing them to wildlife that they may not be familiar with. What do students gain from learning about science from someone who does hands-on conservation work?

Students can gain a new perspective on science and how it can impact their daily lives. They view it as something that’s tangible and would be a practical solution in the real world.

Detroit Hives says that it is challenging stereotypes of what it looks like to conduct beekeeping in America. Why is it important to encourage and promote diversity in all professions?

In order to create a sustainable environment, it’s important that we support biodiversity. Every living thing plays its part to contribute to the ecosystem. This very same theory needs to be applied in all professions. This gives everyone a chance to thrive, flourish, contribute and collectively work together to achieve a higher goal.

您認為電影中觀眾最重要的收穫是什麼? 您想看這部電影有什麼不同?

You can inspire the world by making one small change. Whether it’s cleaning up a park, 回收, or even planting flowers to attract more pollinators. You can Bee The Change. Through this film I would love to see others inspired to take on challenges within their own communities, along with learning how pollinators can play a huge part in creating sustainable communities.


C.M. Rubin with Tim Paule and Nicole Lindsey

(All Photos are Courtesy of SIMA Studios)

手錶 底特律蕁麻疹星球課堂網絡

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
