傳統的脈絡: 傳統受到攻擊


傳統的脈絡 is directed, 生產的, 編輯, written, and cinematographed by Eshaan Mani. In the village of Darasuram in South India, a tradition held by the locals for over 1000 years is on the line.

This short documentary follows the Arivu family, residing near the world-famous Airavatesvara Temple. For generations, they’ve worked as handloom weavers, creating and selling saris, a traditional women’s garment. 現在, the Arivu family faces numerous challenges: a lack of resources, rising automation, and the aftermath of COVID-19.

The film adeptly covers a lot in its short runtime. It was fascinating to witness the Arivu family’s handwoven garment-making process and understand why they persist despite their fears. Exploring Indian culture is always captivating, especially witnessing families like this one striving for their desires despite many obstacles.

我評價這部電影 4 出 5 星星.

亞歷克斯畢業於芝加哥哥倫比亞學院,主修喜劇寫作 & 表演並輔修電視寫作. 除了是 CMRubinWorld 星球課堂網路電影選拔團隊的一員之外, 他是一位素描作家, 並在紐約市追求演藝事業.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
