揭露數位化危險: 監管元宇宙審查


Policing the Metaverse, created by Imaja Williams with V/O by Jerry Camacho, sheds light on the inherent dangers of the online world.

It underscores the challenges and vulnerabilities within the metaverse. In an age where technology advances, policing the internet becomes increasingly difficult due to the ease of data deletion. The film also highlights the ephemeral nature of digital content. Policing the Metaverse serves as both a cautionary tale and an exploration of the online universe’s dual nature, as a technological blessing and curse.

I enthusiastically give this film a 5/5 評分.

阿德琳娜·希爾 (Adelina Hill) 目前是聖路易斯大學的大四學生. 安納波利斯聖約翰學院, 馬里蘭. 她把時間花在閱讀和寫作上; 你很可能會發現她身邊一直拿著一本書. 出生於聖. 聖彼得堡, 俄羅斯, she was adopted at nine months of age and moved to America. Her biological younger brother soon followed as well. 阿德琳娜渴望成為全職作家並在出版公司工作, writing fiction, 幻想, 和恐怖——任何稍微不尋常的東西都會引起她的注意. Her other hobbies include fish breeding, 手作蜂鳥, 聽音樂, 和騎馬. She hopes to one day be on the NYT bestsellers list and become as great of an author as her great-grandfather, 拿破崙·希爾, the author of ‘Think and Grow Rich’.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
