中提琴藝人 Eric Lin 與其他 Bard 音樂家聯袂呈現一場鼓舞人心、感人的音樂會


I’d like to preface this review by saying that I am not a musician, and I don’t know a lot about classical music. I do, 但, study music recording and its production, so I will do my best to build my opinion based on that.

In Bard Conservatory of Music’s 過獨身生活, 貝多芬, 欣德米特, 和老當: 中提琴獨奏和弦樂四重奏, Eric Lin’s viola meanders through all these great composers seemingly with ease, and I found myself thoroughly impressed for its entire duration. His performance is full of visible and audible precision built off a lifetime of practice.

After being joined by violinists Yangxin Song and Junyu Lin, along with Raman Ramakrishnan on cello, the sheer amount of talent on stage is truly a spectacle, and the additional strings are a nice change of pace in a relatively long composition.

This is the 2nd Bard Conservatory performance I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing, and seeing a young group of people perfect their craft and honor art passed down for generations is inspiring and touching.

These pieces and their performances are a testament to the importance of creative pursuit and all education associated with it.

我會評價這個 5/5 星星


作者: ç. M. 魯賓
