

我們在儲能和氣候變化方面取得了哪些進展? is a short documentary by Michelle Nguyen for Planet Classroom’s problem solvers series that seeks to answer the exact question it poses by providing information on the journey towards Net Zero.

It lays out the various forms of renewable energy and the struggles we face in implementing them; one of which is the need for battery storage during times that wind and solar energy cannot be collected.

While the documentary does a great job providing information on renewable energy in a succinct three minute video, it fails to really answer the question that it poses. There is no real discussion on progress made so far, how we can overcome challenges, and a projection for future adoption.

It is obvious that these alternate sources of energy each have their own pitfalls, but the documentary fails to take the next step by showing ways they can be overcome.

I am pleased to rate this short documentary with two stars.

Tanner Sell 是賓夕法尼亞州立大學的一名學生,主修電信和媒體行業,重點關注當前和未來技術問題的道德解決方案. 他是 CMRubinWorld 的通信實習生,對音樂和視頻製作感興趣, 哲學, 和社會學.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
