

它會是什麼樣子? 是 Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee 拍攝的一部影片,講述瞭如何從文明中推動世界走向最高潛力. 我們生活在一個大多數人只照顧自己的世界. 如果我們開始將自己視為不只是個人怎麼辦, 但作為一個集體單位? 如果我們開始做出不符合我們既得利益的選擇並開始考慮什麼有利於更大的利益呢?? 這部電影解決了許多這樣的問題, pooling together testimonies of actors, nuns, 維權人士, and spiritual leaders as well as people from many other walks of life.

The film includes a lot of excellent quotes and philosophies from the subjects in the film, stitched together with B-roll that is hit and miss for me. Although there is plenty of great imagery in the film, sometimes what’s on screen just doesn’t necessarily match what’s being talked about. The film clocks in at just under 30 分鐘, which seems a bit too long for the content being presented. 我想把這部電影濃縮成大約 10 分鐘將有助於增加有效的幕後花絮所引發的情緒.

我發現真正吸引人的 B-roll 的一個方面是使用並置. 一開始就是一個很好的例子, 當電影開始講述大自然的各種內含物時. 它從美麗的野生動物照片(例如在草地上放牧的奶牛)到在傳送帶上進行大量加工的肉類, 我將其描述為與自然之美完全相反的東西. This is an excellent way to provoke thought and emotion without relying on dialogue.

I personally think this piece is a great starting point for people to begin switching their thought process on the topic at hand. There’s definitely some work that can be done to improve the B-roll and runtime, but that being said, you can still take away the filmmaker’s overall message.

我個人會給這部電影 3/5 星星.

Reilly Wisniewski 是羅盤電影與媒體學院的應屆畢業生. 他目前正在攻讀美術學士學位,重點是電影剪輯. 他是 CMRubinWorld 的電影和視頻編輯實習生,致力於他們的淨零系列.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
