A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: On Success

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: On Success

“67% of our sample said they are often or always stressed about school.” — Denise Pope The desire for successful children in a performance-based culture often consumes us before we realize it. “More is bettermight innocently trickle into the mindset, but before you know it, the winner takes all dynamics of a competitive society can easily become a part of our everyday lives. Whether it’s...

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Como vamos Leia: In Book Chains?

Como vamos Leia: In Book Chains?

Waterstone’s is to the British what Barnes and Noble is to Americans” – C. M. Rubin British businessman James Daunt gave up a career on New York’s Wall Street at the end of the 1980’s to occupy the world of bookshops — “the kind of bookshops he would like to visit” (shops, not stores, as Daunt likes to call them). If you’ve ever been to one of the 6...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: O 20%

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: O 20%

The achievement gap is not created by schools. The achievement gap begins before the children are born.” — Diane Ravitch photo courtesy of Rick D’Elia, Save the Children U.S. Programs. Even with food stamps, poor people are still poor. The OECD lists the U.S. as being one of the five top OECD nations with the highest child poverty rate. The impact of poverty is significant in the outcomes of children...

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Como vamos Leia: Em Escolas?

Como vamos Leia: Em Escolas?

  Como o papel da biblioteca escolar eo bibliotecário escolar deve evoluir na escola do século 21? Nosso tempo é uma era da informação. Há muitos desafios que enfrentamos relacionados com informações, tais como a precisão, propriedade, acessibilidade e privacidade. Estilos de vida são mais agitado do que nunca, o que significa que nós sentimos a necessidade de processar informações mais rapidamente. It seems more often than ever we hear concerns about the lack of media...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: A Look at a Finnish School

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: A Look at a Finnish School

Aurora School Principal Martti Hellström in the classroom with his pupils If you thought you knew everything about the remarkable transformation of Finland’s schools from mediocre to one of the top performing school systems in the world, think again. Native Finn Pasi Sahlberg (educador, investigador, advisor on global education reform, and Director General of CIMO in Helsinki, Finlândia), who has lived and closely studied...

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