全球搜索教育: 芬蘭數學課

全球搜索教育: 芬蘭數學課

“我們認為,學生需要培養自信和信任他們做的數學能力, 它是真實生活的求解, 簡單的問題,讓他們從事更困難的能力, 摘要任務. 只有以這種方式獲得的程序理解將賦予學生解決測試問題。” — Cecilia Villabona Research試圖了解為什麼男孩多於女孩。.

全球搜索教育 – Is the AP Worth It?

全球搜索教育 – Is the AP Worth It?

Students need to be prepared for the extra work and make sure this fits with their overall schedule and their ability to take care of their health and well-being.” –Denise Pope The College Board has long claimed its gold standard AP Program can help students succeed in college, narrow the achievement gap and level the playing field for traditionally under-served high schools and students. The program has...

全球搜索教育: 澳大利亞 – 蜱

全球搜索教育: 澳大利亞 – 蜱

“當務之急是一份諒解備忘錄參與本病的診斷和管理的關鍵臨床機構之間達成. 慢性, 沒有慢性, 極具感染力, 沒有很強的傳染性, 蜱傳, 節肢動物 (昆蟲)-得緊, 性傳播, 血液傳播,而不是。”– 博士. Andrew Ladhams Tick-borne illness advocates from Australia, 奧地利, 巴西, 加拿大, 捷克共和國, 克羅地亞,...

全球搜索教育: 英國 – 蜱

全球搜索教育: 英國 – 蜱

一些英國專家認為多達 20 從英國人獲得疾病引起英國萊姆病感染%,而在萊姆病的熱點,如美國度假 (新英格蘭) 和中歐部分地區. 萊姆 (疏), 無形體病/埃立克體病, 巴貝蟲病, 落基山斑疹熱, 巴爾, 兔熱病, 以及最近, 伯氏miyamotoi (萊姆疏的遠房親戚) 是...

Reflecting On Teacher Relationships

Reflecting On Teacher Relationships

Click here to read an original op-ed from the TED speaker who inspired this post and watch the TEDTalk below. I stand before you heavy-hearted and tentative to let go of my second and last child who will graduate high school in just a few weeks time. Like other parents, I know that with an impending high school graduation, it is a nostalgic time charged with diverse and conflicting emotions. I feel joyful. I feel tearful. I feel...
