環遊世界 30 天 – 四月 2015


ç. M. 魯賓的全球教育報告

在四月份, 我繼續對話與思想領袖在世界各地的許多議題,包括標準化測試中的作用, 全球不平等, 創造力, 而在今天我們的世界創新.

I saw first hand the amazing work that 俄克拉何馬州創意 is doing in that state to nurture the arts with schools, 商界領袖和社區. This is the age of innovation and all our futures depend on it. The Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards and Anti-Summit workshops at the Tribeca Film Festival taught the audience profound lessons on innovation by sharing the stories of some of the world’s most impressive entrepreneurs. 我們的頂部 12 Global Teacher bloggers tackled the topics of standardized testing and learning in the classroom this month. I also researched one of many emerging initiatives to prepare graduate students for study abroad. I had an insightful chat with Howard Gardner and Pasi Sahlberg about what makes US and Finnish education so great. 最後, I talked to WISE Education Prize winner, 安棉, about the continued success of her organization in Africa, Camfed.

芬蘭 is remarkable for not only routinely scoring among the top nations on the PISA exams, but also for being among the most equitable school systems in the world. The US is widely seen as having the world’s finest higher education institutions. 加德納指出, “unlike the case in other countries, 其中,高等教育本質上是職業或專業, American colleges and universities offer a liberal arts educationa broad set of courses which develop analytic, 創作的, and communicative capacities.According to Sahlberg, Finland’s successis often built on research, 創新模式來自其他國家, most often from the United States.

My Top 12 教師博客 tackled the enduring question of how to balance test preparation with overall classroom goals. It turns out that many refuse to focus exclusively on the test, working instead on larger goals such as critical thinking and real world experience. Most found good test scores could fall into place as a byproduct of developing a love of learning. But almost all felt that standardized testing misses the mark on what’s important in the classroom.

If standardized testing is too caught up with traditional modes of judgment that make no sense to assess the present day student, then one has to hope that the high stakes testing system will innovate sometime soon. 在此期間, at the 翠貝卡顛覆性創新獎 (inspired by Clay Christensen’s Theory of Disruptive Innovation), the impressive list of global honorees talked about the innovation occurring in our world right now. I asked some of the honorees to share their innermost secrets on disruptive success. One of the many quotable comments was from Matthew Putman of Nanontronics: “Do not look solely to the leaders in your field. 讓亨利·馬蒂斯指導你就像史蒂夫·喬布斯。”

We live in a global world and I had the pleasure of talking to 湯姆·搖滾 (副教務長註冊服務在師範學院, 哥倫比亞大學) about the International Pre-Graduate Program that Teachers College is launching this summer. Tom filled me in on the skills and knowledge sets that are most important to students preparing to teach and study in America, and noted that “課堂討論往往因文化不同. The expectations of the students might differ across cultures.

最後, I talked to the extraordinary 安棉, Founder and President of Camfed, a world-renowned non-profit organization tackling poverty and inequality in sub-Saharan Africa. Ann discussed the continued importance of Camfed, the various changes in education inequality that have occurred since she began her work in Africa, and the benefits of the WISE Prize for Education she received at the end of last year. Her advice to newcomers who want to make a difference to global inequality is tolisten very hard and learn a great deal.Ann’s practice of compassionate thinking and learning has allowed her to pave the way for great progress in African education. The best schools, in her experience, are alwayslooking at the wider individual. We have to think about the whole child because one will succeed in many different ways in life and if the education system puts academic measurement as the main way of measuring, then we place children and institutions under enormous strain.


ç. M. 魯賓

和我一樣,全球知名的思想領袖,包括邁克爾·巴伯爵士 (英國), 博士. 邁克爾座 (美國), 博士. 萊昂特司特因 (美國), 克萊克里斯坦森教授 (美國), 博士. 琳達·達林 - 哈蒙德 (美國), 博士. MadhavChavan (印度), 邁克爾·富蘭教授 (加拿大), 霍華德·加德納教授 (美國), 安迪·哈格里夫斯教授 (美國), 伊馮娜赫爾曼教授 (荷蘭), 克里斯汀Helstad教授 (挪威), 讓·亨德里克森 (美國), 玫瑰Hipkins教授 (新西蘭), 科妮莉亞Hoogland教授 (加拿大), 這位傑夫·約翰遜 (加拿大), 太太. 尚塔爾考夫曼 (比利時), 博士. EijaKauppinen (芬蘭), 國務秘書TapioKosunen (芬蘭), 多米尼克·拉方丹教授 (比利時), 休·勞德教授 (英國), 主肯麥克唐納 (英國), 傑夫大師教授 (澳大利亞), 巴里McGaw教授 (澳大利亞), 希夫納達爾 (印度), Ř教授. 納塔拉詹 (印度), 博士. 吳PAK (新加坡), 博士. 丹尼斯教皇 (美國), 斯瑞達拉賈戈帕蘭 (印度), 博士. 黛安·拉維奇 (美國), 理查德·威爾遜·賴利 (美國), 肯·羅賓遜爵士 (英國), 帕西SAHLBERG教授 (芬蘭), 押尾佐藤教授 (日本), 安德烈亞斯·施萊歇 (PISA, 經合組織), 博士. 安東尼·塞爾頓 (英國), 博士. 大衛·謝弗 (美國), 博士. 基爾斯滕都沉浸式 (挪威), 總理斯蒂芬·SPAHN (美國), 伊夫Theze (LyceeFrancais美國), 查爾斯Ungerleider教授 (加拿大), 托尼·瓦格納教授 (美國), 大衛·沃森爵士 (英國), 迪倫Wiliam教授 (英國), 博士. 馬克沃莫爾德 (英國), 西奧Wubbels教授 (荷蘭), 邁克爾·楊教授 (英國), 和張民選教授 (中國) 因為他們探索所有國家今天面臨的大畫面的教育問題.

ç. M. 魯賓是兩個廣為傳誦的在線系列,她接受了筆者 2011 厄普頓·辛克萊獎, “全球搜索教育” 和 “我們將如何閱讀?” 她也是三本暢銷書, 其中 真正的愛麗絲夢遊仙境, 是的發行 CMRubinWorld, 而且是干擾物基金會研究員.

作者: ç. M. 魯賓
