A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Se você ensinar-lhes que irão crescer

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Se você ensinar-lhes que irão crescer

The radical success of incarcerated Americans in college education is symbolic. It should move leaders in education to rethink the way we look at college admission and rethink the way we present the things we say we value.” — Max Kenner Max Kenner believes that if you were to show the success rates of the graduates from the Bard Prison Initiative to experts in the social sciences, they would tell you the results...

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Bieber Bathos Elegy e Bernstein – Ao vivo do The Whitney

Bieber Bathos Elegy e Bernstein – Ao vivo do The Whitney

Bieber Bathos Elegy estreia no The Whitney este mês “É hora de eu crescer,” Justin Bieber disse em uma entrevista recente. E crescer em meio às pressões de um mundo complexo e um olhar público implacável é o complicado, tênue, tema divertido do novo espetáculo musical do artista nova-iorquino Felix Bernstein, Bieber Bathos Elegy, que vai estrear no The Whitney Museum of American Art este mês. No decorrer...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Mudança de Líderes — Leon Botstein

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Mudança de Líderes — Leon Botstein

  “No matter what the technology, the learning is about face to face. The crude analogy I would make is between learning and sex. Technology can greatly improve, broaden and diversify what we define as the sexual experience, but in the end it’s about intimacy and human contact in real time.” — Leon Botstein A speech from Bard College’s President Leon Botstein is an enlightening conclusion to a...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Se a música for o alimento….

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Se a música for o alimento….

Leon Botstein will conduct the landmark production of Richard Strauss’s opera Die Liebe der Danae opening Bard Music Festival July 29 photo courtesy of Bard College. If music be the food of educational excellence, play on Maestro Botstein. Give me excess of Richard Strauss’s Die Liebe der Danae at Bard Summerscape 2011. That strain again Maestro, it had a dying fall. It came o’er my ear like the sweet sound of...

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