A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Como devemos medir o sucesso?

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Como devemos medir o sucesso?

“Nós vemos demasiadas crianças que sofrem de problemas de saúde debilitantes, tais como depressão, distúrbios alimentares, perfeccionismo, a privação do sono grave, e ansiedade. Sabemos que os pais podem estar preocupados com pisando fora do fast-track, mas nós exortá-los a considerar o quadro geral e da saúde final e bem-estar de seus filhos.” — Dr. Denise Papa “Sobrecarregado e despreparado: Strategies for Stronger Schools...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação – Is the AP Worth It?

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação – Is the AP Worth It?

Students need to be prepared for the extra work and make sure this fits with their overall schedule and their ability to take care of their health and well-being.” –Denise Pope The College Board has long claimed its gold standard AP Program can help students succeed in college, narrow the achievement gap and level the playing field for traditionally under-served high schools and students. The program has...

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: On Success

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: On Success

“67% of our sample said they are often or always stressed about school.” — Denise Pope The desire for successful children in a performance-based culture often consumes us before we realize it. “More is bettermight innocently trickle into the mindset, but before you know it, the winner takes all dynamics of a competitive society can easily become a part of our everyday lives. Whether it’s...

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