Os estudantes internacionais crescentes na América do Norte: Portas Abertas Globalmente para quem pretende alta

Os estudantes internacionais crescentes na América do Norte: Portas Abertas Globalmente para quem pretende alta

  By Jeffrey Beard Jeffrey Beard served as Director General for the International Baccalaureate Organization from 2006 através 2013. Ele é agora o presidente e fundador da passagem Estudo Global, a UK-based organization that offers international study abroad programs that give high school students from around the world opportunities to learn and collaborate together to develop essential skills for university and employability....

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: International Thinking

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: International Thinking

It is impossible to overestimate how important educational institutions are to society. We need to invest in them.” — Lord Ken Macdonald The technology revolution continues to play a significant role in making it easier for students to think internationally in terms of their higher education options. The Internet has made it simpler for students to research and apply to universities. Interviews can be done by...

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