A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Top Bloggers globais Professor – Cultivando jovens leitores


Summer is coming. Book lists are already online. Como pai, I was determined to cultivate a love of reading in my children. Reading is something I love to do and so I was committed to ensuring that my kids appreciate and understand the power of language to convey and express concepts. Language is the ultimate tool of humanity.

Nosso professor Bloggers Global são pioneiros e inovadores em áreas como integração de tecnologia, matemática treinador, educação especial, ensino de ciências, e equidade de género. Eles fundaram escolas, currículos escritas, e salas de aula levaram em 13 diferentes países que se estendem em todos os continentes populoso do planeta. Estes professores capacitar e enriquecer as vidas de jovens de quase todos os imagináveis ​​fundo.

Hoje em A Pesquisa Global para a Educação, nossa Top global Professor Bloggers compartilhar suas respostas à pergunta deste mês: How do we do a better job of cultivating young readers?

Rashmi Kathuria (@rashkath) from India recommends a method used by Anita Chadha, a teacher of English at Kulachi Hansraj Model School. She asks her studentsto dramatize a particular scene or situation they read in the story.Rather than read silently or aloud one student at a time, she has her students read the story as if it were a play. “…to my wonderment I discovered young actors and actresses.” Adicionalmente, students are encouraged to write scripts and create dialogues in their own words. Reading becomes something active and enjoyable rather than boring and passive. Leia mais.

We do not have a library at my school,” says teacher Dana Narvaisa (@dana_narvaisa) from Latvia, “but it has never been an excuse for us to avoid reading.Dana notes that it is important to give students both a wide selection and chance to read during the school day. She says, “regular reading is essential and to make it a priority, we need to find time for it every day.Leia mais.

Natacha Scott (@natacha_scott), Assistant Director of History and Social Studies for the Boston Public Schools, was recommended by Adam Steiner (steineredtech) este mês. Natacha emphasizes that understanding the perspective and the experiences of students is key to choosing the right book. “Before the journey can begin, teachers must take the time to get to know their students. Truly understanding their background, questões, and interests will allow access points for establishing connections to different content.Leia mais.

Through language we control our lives,” notes Maarit Rossi (@pathstomath) da Finlândia. “A man without words does not solve math problems, explicate his existence, let alone feelings.” E claro, we learn language by reading. Este mês, Maarit joins Finnish literacy teacher Jaana Lindfors and librarian Pia Rahikainen to follow their 7th graders book talk and find how they work together to keep literacy vibrant. Leia mais.

Elisa Guerra (@ElisaGuerraCruz) from Mexico cuts to the chase: “Let’s be straight,” ela observa. You will never turn a kid into a reader if he does not like to read. You might get him to readjust to make the grade, avoid punishment or elude embarrassment. He might try to trick you out of reading by making excuses, whining or cheating. As soon as he gets the chance, he will ESCAPE…….” If Elisa’s observations resonate with you what should you do? Leia mais.

Cultivating Young Readers in Communities of Povertyis the title of Nadia Lopez’ (@TheLopezEffect) inspiring blog ongetting children who struggle with phonics and comprehension to become excited about reading.” Ainda “with a little hope” e 10 key strategies, Mott Hall Bridges Academy is creating a culture of literacy. Leia mais.

I was 19 when I completed Catcher in the Rye, my first full book,” says teacher Richard Wells (@EduWells) da Nova Zelândia. este “unread college boybrings a lot of personal experience and expertise to the challenge of cultivating the love of reading in his own classroom today. Don’t miss Richard’s 3 ideas for encouraging boy readers. Leia mais.

Shaelynn Farnsworth (@shfarnsworth), based in Conrad, Iowa, was recommended this month by our Blogger at Large Beth Holland (brholland). Shaelynn notes there is nosilver bulletwhich will motivate every student to read and that it’s often a blend of different strategies. She believes thata well-informed and observant teacher can focus their instruction and differentiate content to meet the needs of all students.” ações Shaelynn 3 reading motivations to target for cultivating young readers: Interest, Dedication, and Confidence. Leia mais.

Parental involvement is absolutely critical, says Vicki Davis (coolcatteacher) de Camilla, Georgia. Vicki shares a wonderful story of how she ignited a love of reading with her own children. “I would yawn, stretch my arms, and say, you know what? I’m really tired. I would hear howls from the backseat…..Assim, I would turn around and say…” Leia mais.

Em Serra Leoa, Miriam Mason-Sesay (@EducAidSL) is creating a culture of story-telling by conveying reading as an adventure. Nenhum dos 17 different local languages in her country are traditionally written. This means that children do not grow up with books. Engagement with the written word has to be very carefully and methodically cultivated. “Success is pointed out and celebrated. Exciting books are read to the children and they are then encouraged to read them together in small groups on their own again later. The children use Inge Wilson’s ‘Tales Toolkitto tell each other exciting stories and then write them up…” Leia mais.

Todd Finley (finleyt) em Greenville, North Carolina emphasizes that while reading alone is very important, reading together is crucial. “Reading is a social experience. We read because important members of our community model the practice and make it a priority…. Em última análise, writes C.S. Lewis, ‘We read to know we are not alone’.Leia mais.

Craig Kemp (mrkempnz) in Singapore shares his 2 easy ways to cultivate young readers but emphasizes that teachers should be role models. They should not only teach reading but engender a love of literature by way of example. “If we want our students to love reading, we need to love reading.Leia mais.

The Top Global Teacher Bloggers is a monthly series where educators across the globe offer experienced yet unique takes on today’s most important topics. CMRubinWorld utiliza a plataforma para propagar as vozes das pessoas mais indispensáveis ​​de nossas instituições de ensino – professores.

Para mais informações.

(Foto é cortesia de CMRubinWorld)


Top Row, esquerda para a direita: Adam Steiner, Santhi Karamcheti, Pauline Hawkins

2nd Row: Elisa Guerra, Humaira Bachal, C. M. Rubin, Todd Finley,
Warren Sparrow

3rd Row: Nadia Lopez, Katherine Franco Cardernas, Craig Kemp,
Rashmi Kathuria, Maarit Rossi

Row fundo: Dana NARVAISA, Richard Wells, Vicki Davis, Miriam Mason-Sesay


Junte-se a mim e líderes de renome mundial, incluindo Sir Michael Barber (Reino Unido), Dr. Michael Bloco (EUA), Dr. Leon Botstein (EUA), Professor Clay Christensen (EUA), Dr. Linda, Darling-Hammond (EUA), Dr. MadhavChavan (Índia), Professor Michael Fullan (Canadá), Professor Howard Gardner (EUA), Professor Andy Hargreaves (EUA), Professor Yvonne Hellman (Holanda), Professor Kristin Helstad (Noruega), Jean Hendrickson (EUA), Professor Rose Hipkins (Nova Zelândia), Professor Cornelia Hoogland (Canadá), Honrosa Jeff Johnson (Canadá), Senhora. Chantal Kaufmann (Bélgica), Dr. EijaKauppinen (Finlândia), Secretário TapioKosunen Estado (Finlândia), Professor Dominique Lafontaine (Bélgica), Professor Hugh Lauder (Reino Unido), Senhor Ken Macdonald (Reino Unido), Professor Geoff Mestres (Austrália), Professor Barry McGaw (Austrália), Shiv Nadar (Índia), Professor R. Natarajan (Índia), Dr. PAK NG (Cingapura), Dr. Denise Papa (US), Sridhar Rajagopalan (Índia), Dr. Diane Ravitch (EUA), Richard Wilson Riley (EUA), Sir Ken Robinson (Reino Unido), Professor Pasi Sahlberg (Finlândia), Professor Manabu Sato (Japão), Andreas Schleicher (PISA, OCDE), Dr. Anthony Seldon (Reino Unido), Dr. David Shaffer (EUA), Dr. Kirsten Immersive Are (Noruega), Chanceler Stephen Spahn (EUA), Yves Theze (LyceeFrancais EUA), Professor Charles Ungerleider (Canadá), Professor Tony Wagner (EUA), Sir David Watson (Reino Unido), Professor Dylan Wiliam (Reino Unido), Dr. Mark Wormald (Reino Unido), Professor Theo Wubbels (Holanda), Professor Michael Young (Reino Unido), e Professor Minxuan Zhang (China) como eles exploram as grandes questões da educação imagem que todas as nações enfrentam hoje.
A Pesquisa Global para Educação Comunitária Página

C. M. Rubin é o autor de duas séries on-line lido pelo qual ela recebeu uma 2011 Upton Sinclair prêmio, “A Pesquisa Global para a Educação” e “Como vamos Leia?” Ela também é autora de três livros mais vendidos, Incluindo The Real Alice no País das Maravilhas, é o editor de CMRubinWorld, e é um Disruptor Fundação Fellow.

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Autor: C. M. Rubin

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