A Pesquisa Global para a Educação:  O “Cidadão Verde da Venezuela” Manuel Diaz fala com Ricardo Delgado, da Net Zero

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: O “Cidadão Verde da Venezuela” Manuel Diaz fala com Ricardo Delgado, da Net Zero

Net Zero is the highly anticipated new video and podcast series in which youth leaders from POP (Proteja Nosso Planeta) Movement in association with Planet Classroom track the progress being made by international thought leaders to achieve Net Zero by 2050.

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A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Mezzo Soprano Hailey McAvoy sobre como tornar a ópera mais atraente para os jovens

A Pesquisa Global para a Educação: Mezzo Soprano Hailey McAvoy sobre como tornar a ópera mais atraente para os jovens

Winner of the 2019 Concerto Competition at Bard College Conservatory, mezzo-soprano Hailey McAvoy performs Le Charme by composer Amedee-Ernest Chausson on the Planet Classroom Network this month.

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A Blueprint to End Gun Violence Would Improve Everyone’s Lives

A Blueprint to End Gun Violence Would Improve Everyone’s Lives

By Alex Silverman This film comes to us once again from Planet Classroom’s Problem Solvers series. In this short, producer Sydney Kim tackles a subject that is constantly at the forefront of societygun violence. Gun violence seems to be a never-ending issue with constant back and forth on what to do about it. Entrementes, the stats in gun-related incidents, either intentional or accidental, continue to rise with increasing...

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Ensemble Featuring Music by Theodor Blumer is Performed Virtually by Five Bard Conservatory Artists

Ensemble Featuring Music by Theodor Blumer is Performed Virtually by Five Bard Conservatory Artists

By Grace Madover In this 3-minute performance, five Bard Conservatory musicians perform individually and the videos are combined to form a seamless ensemble. Without watching the video, it sounds as if the performers are all together on the same stage while playing their instruments. The artists in the quintet are Jillian Reed (flute), Kira Shiner (oboe), Collin Lewis (clarinet), Eleni Georgiadis (french horn), and Anna Pem (bassoon)....

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Manrique: Criando a paz através da dança

Manrique: Criando a paz através da dança

By Alex Silverman From Luis Barreto comes a short documentary about violence, arte, peace, and rehabilitation. Manrique chronicles the journey of Yoiner Machado, a teacher and professional dancer who has used his dance academy to help the struggling communities of the city of Manrique in Columbia. Manrique is a city struggling with gang violence in its neighborhoods and people losing loved ones frequently due to all-out war. ...

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