Die Vorbereitung auf die nächste Pandemie ist eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für die Zukunft

Von Alex Silverman

Dies Film comes to us from Planet Classroom’s original Problem Solver Series. In this short, student Ju Lin gives us a step by step guide on how the world might better prepare for another pandemic.

Ju Lin shares multiple ideas from stockpiling medical equipment to developing pandemic task forces. These are all great ideas that need to be implemented not just for future pandemics, but also in the here and now while we are still combatting COVID-19. I do believe there is more work and future planning needed to address global pandemics such as making sure we have enough medical supplies that are effective enough and making sure the people who have the power to implement good ideas are able to do so accordingly.

We have been dealing with COVID-19 for nearly 2 years now but these ideas should be welcomed nonetheless. I give this short 4 von 5 Sterne.

Alex ist ein Absolvent des Columbia College Chicago mit einem Hauptfach in komödiantischem Schreiben & Performance und Nebenfach Schreiben für das Fernsehen. Neben seiner Arbeit als Teil des Planet Classroom Network Film Selection Teams bei CMRubinWorld, er war Praktikant als Screening-Panelist für das International Children's Media Center, ein Sketch-Autor, und Produktionsassistent am Set bei den 61. Annual Chicago/Midwest Emmy Awards.

Autor: C. M. Rubin

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